Skills, talent and resources


Web developer and designer

We are looking for a website developer and designer to support running the current website
I'm interested!

Carpenter and/or technical assistance

Carpenter, someone good with multimedia or media-broadcasting for technical consideration, assistance with moving things to and from the location and setting up.
I'm interested!


Áttu eldhúsgræjur sem þú vilt leggja til verkefnisins?
I'm interested!


Við viljum gjarnan að þeir sem hafa áhuga á að koma á einhvern hátt að undirbúningi málþings eða dagskránni sjálfri hafi samband
I'm interested!

Ungir höfundar

Höfundar sem eru að stíga sín fyrstu spor á ritvellinum
I'm interested!

Layout for text

Looking for help from publication professionals
I'm interested!

Graphic designer

Looking for help from publication professionals
I'm interested!


Looking for help from publication professionals
I'm interested!


Looking for help from publication professionals
I'm interested!

Album Design

Looking for a designer
I'm interested!

Looking for tools

We are also looking for tools! All kind of tools new and old.
I'm interested!


We are looking for a marketing person
I'm interested!


Okkur vantar búr og búnað
I'm interested!


Við erum að leita eftir aðstoð frá iðnaðarmönnum.
I'm interested!

People and companies

Admin Dev Team

We are the Karolina Fund development team.
  • crowd funding
  • skill sharing
  • Creativity

Irina Domurath

Co-Founder at Karolina Fund, Lawyer
  • classical piano music
  • European Law

Þórarinn Jóhannsson

Creative & co-founder of Karolina Fund
  • Front-End Development

Ingi Rafn Sigurdsson

CEO & founder at Karolina Fund
  • Finances

Lárus Lúðvíksson

Credit Manager at Islandsbanki and co-founder of Karolina Fund
  • Investment Management

Jonmundur Gislason

Digital Artist
  • 3dsmax
  • Nuke

Arnar Sigurdsson

Filmmaker, web developer and co-founder of Karolina Fund ...
  • PHP
  • Fencing

Brynjólfur Einar Sigmarsson

Co-Founder of Karolina Fund / Purchasing Manager at Origo
  • Company Valuation
  • Strategy
  • Business analysis

Sævar Ólafsson

Ofursérfræðingur hjá Origo og einn af stofnendum Karolina Fund.
  • Crowdfunding
  • Content Marketing
  • Making Sushi
  • Business Plan development
  • JIRA
  • Confluence
  • VYRE
  • Analyctics
  • Leadership
  • Making Kebab

Þórður Hjálmarsson

  • Event Management
  • Woodwork

Gísli V Gislason

  • Gísli has been working in and around designs and signs for the last 18 years

Reynir Örn Bachmann Guðmundsson

A data & analytics professional specializing in fintech and a lifelong learner. Would you like to know more?
  • IT Operations
  • Gamifications
  • Datawarehouse
  • Databases
  • Data Engineering
  • Fencing
  • Stoicism
  • RPG

Svavar Knútur

Just, generally trying to be an OK human being.
  • Networker

Einar Gunnar Guðmundsson

I work towards entrepreneurs at Arion Bank.
  • Financing
  • Entrepreneurs

Sigurður Jónsson

  • Linguistics
  • IT Service and Support
  • Permaculture
  • Plagiarism detection

Birgir Jón Birgisson

  • Sound Engineer

Sigurjón Lýðsson

  • Windows Azure
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • SQL
  • XAML
  • XML

Brynjar Gunnarsson

  • Photojournalism
  • editorial

Anna Hulda Ólafsdóttir

  • Ph.D student in Engineering at the University of Iceland, teacher and an accomplished athlete in olympic wheightlifting and crossfit.

Hjördís Erna Sigurðardóttir

Project Manager at Karolina Fund
  • Interviewer
  • Food & Drink Enthusiast

Ari Hultqvist

  • Organic products
  • Farmers market
  • Business Strategy
  • Business Development
  • Retail

Halla Oskarsdottir

  • proof reading

Lovisa Sigrunardottir

  • Singer/Songwriter - Lay Low

Hallur Hróarsson

  • Bóndi
  • Náttúrufræðikennari

Bjarni Leifsson

  • Filmmaker-Director/Producer/Writer

Ingimar Oddsson

  • Steampunker
  • pr & marketing

Andri Snær Ágústsson

  • Filmmaker-Director/Producer/Writer

Jon Finnbogason

  • Evaluations

Alan Jones

  • Singer/song writer/dancer

Kristján Guðjónsson

  • Composer, Musician

Gunna Lára Pálmadóttir

  • Geologist
  • Environmental scientist
  • Skipper
  • Web Programmer
  • Tour Guide
  • Bus Driver
  • Guitar Player
  • Ukulele Player
  • Keyboard player

Arnhildur Lilý Karlsdóttir

Yoga teacher and project manager.
  • yoga
  • literature

Ragnar Freyr Pálsson

Ragnar Freyr is a graphic designer, web designer, illustrator, educator, creator and maker from Reykjavík, Iceland.
  • sadf

Adda Ingólfsdóttir

  • guitarplaying

Gudni Mar Hardarson

gjaldkeri Ölvers sumarbúða
  • treasurer

Agnar Bragi

  • Legal practice professional
  • International business law
  • Corporate law
  • Statistical analysis
  • Administrative law

Tryggvi Már Gunnarsson

Kennari, ljósmyndari og leiðsögumaður.
  • Tourism

Jóhann Ágúst Jóhannsson

  • animal sounds
  • music business
  • pr & marketing
  • Music Management
  • writing,

Ásgeir Þrastarson

  • videography
  • Sound Engineering

Sunna Gudnadottir

  • Production
  • Super-heroism

Viktor Pétur Hannesson

  • car fixing amateur
  • Botanigrafia

Júlía Hannam

I am an actress, a touristguide and an economist with a major in marketing. I am on the Róðarí team dabbling in marketing and finances
  • economist
  • touristguide

Larissa Kyzer

Icelandic to English literary translator, writer, researcher, and librarian. I lived in Reykjavík from 2012 - 2017 and am currently based in New York City.
  • editorial
  • cultural and critical analysis

Guðný Þorsteinsdóttir

Owner of Gebo Kano, small indie app developing company that specialises in educational apps and puzzle games.
  • Námsefnishöfundur
  • iOS app designer

Margrét Erla Maack

Bollywood & Bellydancer, circus & burlesque performer, TV girl, karaoke monster, comidienne, DJ, CISVer.
  • bellydance
  • jokes
  • circus
  • burlesque
  • Producing
  • vaudeville
  • compering

Thorey Mjallhvít H. Ómarsdóttir

A freelance animator and illustrator and aspiring writer.
  • 2 animation

Gisli Einarsson

  • Star Wars Original Trilogy Trivia

Svavar Eysteinsson

  • Food design

Hannes Johnson

I like creating stuff: photos, music, websites, videos...
  • Creativity
  • Ideation

Maria Irena

  • Yoga Instructor.
  • Flower Essence Therapist.
  • Aromatherapy
  • Forestry
  • Naturalist
  • Humanitarian
  • Vegetarian & raw food chef

Gunnar Thordarson

  • Song composer
  • arranger Guitar player

Árni Heiðar Karlsson

  • jazzpiano
  • classical piano
  • conducting

Sigurður Atli Sigurðsson

  • Gravure
  • Offset printing
  • Installing exhibitions

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

  • Dr. Gunni
  • Kann ekkert - Get allt

Andri Ólafsson

  • Not dancing
  • Bass playing

Oddur Kjartansson

  • Data Mining
  • Strategy

Jón Knútur Ásmundsson

Ég er 44 ára gamall Austfirðingur. Tromma í frístundum með hljómsveitinni Coney Island Babies og tek að mér spilamennsku fyrir vini og vandamenn.
  • Ber bumbur

Eva Berger

  • theatre design

Lauga Oskarsdottir

Co-founder of United Bloggers and SuitMe
  • Content Marketing
  • Beatboxing
  • Native advertising
  • Brand & Biz development

Helgi Thor Jonsson

  • online education

Tinna Eik Rakelardóttir

Tinna Eik er myndlistarkona sem hefur menntað sig í myndlist ásamt því að hafa sótt námskeið í teiknun, málun, fatasaum, ljósmyndun og grafískri hönnun. Hún hefur alla tíð teiknað og málað, en núna er fókusinn á svart hvítar pennateikningar úr náttúrunni, leik að skuggum og einfaldleika.
  • Listakona

Vala Grand Einarsdóttir

  • Public person
  • Pepole Comunication
  • being Famous
  • active
  • conections with the media
  • Brain stormer
  • International marketing

Dagný Reykjalín

Graphic Designer @ Blek
  • Typography
  • UI Design

Rósa Guðrún Sveinsdóttir

Singer/songwriter, saxofonist/flutist
  • Saxophonist
  • Fluteplayer

Andri Valgeirsson

  • Handicapping
  • Problem solver

Bylgja Borgþórsdóttir

  • Bookings
  • Finances

Tanja Levý

  • Textile Print Designer
  • colourist
  • Photoshop wizard
  • Illin Illustrator

Halla Olafsdottir

  • fix cars

Ragnheiður Maísól Sturludóttir

  • Arist, circuslady, karaokequeen

Anna Kro

  • writing, translating

Toni Smith

  • Being a smart arse

Lee Nelson

  • Clowning
  • Juggling
  • Acrobatics
  • Inspiring

Auður Styrkársdóttir

Pensjónisti við Hlemm
  • Ritfær
  • Hljómfær
  • Ökufær

Matthias Freyr Matthiasson

Amature writer, rithöfundur í mótun
  • Skriftir

Karolina Boguslawska

  • art history, art critic, performance art

Davíð Hörgdal Stefánsson

Ljóðskáld, ritstjóri og þýðandi / poet, editor, translator
  • Creative writing (lectures and seminars)
  • Skapandi skrif (kennsla og fyrirlestrar)

Sigurður Tómas Guðmundsson

  • Trummor
  • Sound Engineer

Helga Johanna Oddsdottir

  • Master Coach/Trainer

Anna Hafberg

  • Health Care

Daníel Starrason

  • Photograpy
  • Guitar

Silja Ástudóttir

Silja is a film producer and a political and a feminist activist.
  • Writer (Film)

Karl Palsson

HoHoHo :)
  • alcoholic philanphropist wannabe

Berglind Björk Halldórsdóttir

  • great taste in music

Zipho Mkhize

I'm an abstract thinker who loves engaging in innovative projects with creative people
  • Contract negotiating

Sigríður Eir Zophoníasardóttir

phone: 696-8128
  • Musician & theater maker

Vala Höskuldsdóttir

phone: 868-3803
  • Musician & theater maker

Skate Iceland

  • Front-End Development


Post-punk band (Iceland)
  • Magic

Baldur Ragnarsson

  • Upptökustjóri

Hreinn Sk. Palsson

  • Fagurkeri. Náttúruunnandi.

Thorir Celin

  • Teiknari, grafískur hönnuður

Sigurbjörg A Sæm

Skáldkona og skrifari. Aktivisti og áhugakona um hættulegar hugmyndir um breyttan heim. Hef gefið út tvær ljóðabækur; Mjálm (2015) og Tileinkanir (2020) Deili heimili með 7 ára fræðimanni, 16 ára listakonu, þrítugum hippa og þrem einstökum köttum.
  • Book Cover Design
  • Directing
  • Copywriting
  • Proofreading

Guðmundur Felixson

  • Sviðshöfundur

Mark Berge

Musician, animator and writer creating my own virtual storyworlds and music.
  • Animator
  • writer

Friðrik Steinn Friðriksson

  • ruminant
  • bleating

Anna Bergljót Thorarensen

  • playwright
  • Actress

Sævar Þór Halldórsson

  • Environmental Science
  • Geography
  • Map making
  • Ranger

Ragnheiður (Ragga) Eiríksdóttir

Idea generator, speaker, sexuality writer, journalist, knitting instructor and designer, general doer.
  • knitwear design
  • multilingual

Félag íslenskra Bassaleikara

Félag bassaleikara sem stendur fyrir hátíðinni "Iceland Stopover" og heldur námskeið eftir því sem efni og aðstæður standa til.
  • Music society
  • Music festival

Agnar Bragason

  • Electric

Anna Sæunn Ólafsdóttir

  • Producing
  • Directing

Vilhjalmur Hjalmarsson

  • audio
  • tv
  • leikhús

Ketill Magnússon

  • Corporate Responsibility
  • Business ethics

Lúðvík Karlsson

  • Filtering the whitest and the brightest light we know
  • Refracktor
  • Reflecktor
  • Tracking Mount
  • Midnight Summer Dream
  • photograph

Konráð Ragnarsson

Ég er fæddur og uppalinn Hafnfirðingur og lærður Rafvirkjameistari. Síðustu 10-12 árin hef ég hallast æ meir að ljósmyndun.Ljósmyndun finnst mér sérstaklega áhugaverð,þar sem sá miðill gefur mér tækifæri að miðla minni sýn á margvíslegan þátt tilverunnar!,húmor,tilfinningum,fegurð,fólki
  • Photographer,Actor and electrician.
  • Ljósmyndun,leiklist,húmor,handlaginn.

Kristján Kristjánsson

Kiddi rokk
  • Plötusali

Óli Gneisti Sóleyjarson

Óli Gneisti er bókasafns- og upplýsingafræðingur með meistaragráður í þjóðfræði og hagnýtri menningarmiðlun. Óli er líka höfundur Kommentakerfisins.
  • Librarian
  • Radio
  • crowdsourcing
  • Ebooks
  • Public administration
  • Sound editing
  • Copyright
  • Game design
  • Podcasting

Berglind Guðmundsdóttir

  • Bókaútgáfa
  • Vefsíðugerð
  • Sjónvarpsþáttagerð

Alison MacNeil

  • Music Industry Networking
  • Production

Bragi Þór Valsson

  • Choral Conductor (M.Mus)
  • Clarinettist
  • Computer Scientist (B.Sc.)

Egill Pálsson

Óperusöngvari og söngkennari
  • opera

Margrét Ingibjörg Lindquist

  • Handverkskona
  • Textílhönnun
  • Matráðska

Magali B. Mouy

  • catalyzer
  • Curiosity

Tommy Henry

Creative thinker looking into both film and video game concept/development.
  • Drums/Percussion

Dagný Gísladóttir

  • Íslenskufræðingur
  • Bloggari
  • Menningarmiðlari
  • Tónleikahaldari

Bjarkey Sigurðardóttir

  • Söngkona & kennari

Guðmundur Jónas Haraldsson

  • Singing, acting, directing, composing.

Hana Belmore

Vonandi að batna heimum!
  • Data Entry
  • Scuba Diving Instruction

Lara Thorarensen

  • hard-working
  • nice person

Gudmundur R Ludviksson

  • Northern Light Towers

G.Helga Ingadóttir

Singer and a ceramic artist, runnig the Company Eldstó Art Café in Hvolsvöllur, South Iceland
  • Management, Marketing,
  • ceramist
  • Ceramic artist

Vignir Árnason

  • Íslensku-og spænskufræðingur

Sinan Cao

  • Environment, Sustainability, Finance

Guja Sandholt

  • music theatre
  • opera
  • Classical Music

Andri Sigurðsson

Entrepreneur and aspiring artist
  • Hypnosis
  • Imaginaut

Gudny Karadottir


Arney Þórarinsdóttir

  • Midwife
  • birth educator
  • buisness owner
  • mother of three

Inga Sigríður Árnadótitr

  • Registerd Nurse
  • Midwife

Ólöf Sverrisdóttir

  • Actress, Storytelling

Freyja Eilíf Logadóttir

Visual artist with a passion for puppetry, animation and music
  • puppetry

Sigríður Melrós Ólafsdóttir

Artist and Museum Director
  • sensible
  • positive

Margret Jonsdottir

  • professional artist
  • Watercolor
  • Gallery
  • Art Teaching
  • Námskeið
  • Rekstur á sýningarsal

Ármann Ármannsson

  • Guerilla Marketing
  • Spitballer

Dhruv Dayal

  • Start-ups
  • Healthcare
  • Medical Devices
  • Biotechnology
  • Functional Foods / Nutraceuticals
  • Foods & Beverages
  • Jewellery & Accessories
  • Luxury & Fashion

Gísli Brynjarsson

I am a Musician. I am the singer and saxophone player in a band called Toneron
  • Saxophone playing

Azriel Black

A natural born storyteller who has been creating entire worlds since he was five years old.
  • Comic books

Rakel Steinarsdottir

  • Art Teaching

Pétur Oddbergur Heimisson

Pétur Oddbergur er þrítugur tónlistarmaður. Pétur er meðlimur í Olga Vocal Ensemble ( og Pétri finnst gaman að prjóna. :)
  • Knitter

Davíð Brynjar Sigurjónsson

  • access
  • B.S. Tourism & Business

Anna Stína Gunnarsdóttir

  • translator

RX Beckett

  • Music Management

Helgi Viggosson

  • Data Mining
  • Marketing Automation

Reynir Hauksson

  • Musician & Human being

María Rut Dýrfjörð

  • Pattern Design

Gulian van Nierop

Gulian is a classical singer from Utrecht, the Netherlands, currently in training with Icelandic voice teacher Jón Þorsteinsson. He's a part of Olga, a half Dutch, half Icelandic, half Russian/American vocal ensemble that is planning to conquer the universe sometime soon. Since their tour in 2013, he's been crazy about Icelandic culture and desperately wants to return. Hopefully this summer!
  • Baritone, classical singer
  • Conductor
  • Dead sexy bastard
  • Biomedical Scientist

Anne Rombach

  • ironing
  • imagination
  • patience

Silli Geirdal

  • stefán elí

Védís Ólafsdóttir

  • expedition planning


  • Kristin Autrey

Atli Stefán Yngvason

  • Foodie
  • Web
  • Startup

Ragna Ólöf Guðmundsdóttir

Small-town girl and future editor!
  • Fishing

Árný Elínborg Ásgeirsdóttir

  • Skriftir
  • Menningarstjórnun

Guðmundur Þór Norðdahl

Entrepreneur in the music industry - Publishing of music tutorial books, CDs DVDs - Also production of special devices for musical instruments
  • Business Administration Business Management Management Entrepreneurship Business Planning Projects Planning

Jóda - Elín Valgerður Margrétardóttir

  • Er mjög góð í backgammon og langar að komast í splitt

Brandur Karlsson

I try to make myself useful.
  • Mouth painter
  • Reader of Books
  • Futurologist

Hafsteinn Gautur Einarsson

I consider myself an entrepreneur with an intrest in human nature and imigination. I like to support other entrepreneurs, based on my own experience as well as with my finances
  • Brain stormer
  • Finances

Ása Baldursdóttir

Kvikmyndaunnandi með ástríðu fyrir öllum listum.
  • Film Culture

Gudlaug Kjartansdottir

  • Running
  • screaming

Fjalar Sigurðarson

  • Túbuleikari

Unnur Sara Eldjárn

  • entrepreneur

Elías Hjálmarsson

A young upcoming artist who is desperate at learning the art of theater and film-making.
  • film-making
  • movie
  • stage-art
  • expression

Stefán Bogi Sveinsson

  • social enterpreneurship
  • General legal advice
  • Administrative law
  • writing lyrics

Olivia Fogel

Things that Olivia loves: big lakes, long rivers, wide skies, making new friends, and learning new things.
  • expedition planning

Annetta Ragnarsdóttir

  • Communication, production, product manager, directing, marketing

Gisli Dua

Icelandic Photographer based in Denmark.
  • Survival expert
  • Mikkels friend

Frida Fridriksdottir

  • Singer/songwriter, music teacher

Vilborg Albertsdóttir

  • writer, artist

Karl Olgeirsson

  • Film Composer
  • Producer
  • songwriter

Pink Iceland
  • travel planning
  • Event planning
  • Wedding Planning

Vala Yates

singer / / songwriter / / lyricist / / composer / / and performer
  • Lyricist
  • Performer
  • Classical
  • Pop
  • opera

Snædís Rán Hjartardóttir

  • Specalist in being a specal personality

Jesús Kristur

Follow me and you might get access to heaven.
  • Motivational speaker

Þorgerður Sveinbjarnardóttir

Musician and a producer
  • Dj

IVF Coaching

We are two Icelandic health care professionals - Dr. Gyda Eyjolfsdottir is a Psychologist and Berglind Osk Birgisdottir is a Registered Nurse. We have a passion for every aspect of infertility, including how to increase the well-being of people who are dealing with infertility and how to increase the chances of pregnancy for those who undergo IVF treatments.
  • Healthcare
  • IVF
  • Infertility Counseling

LÚR Festival

LÚR eða Lengst Útí Rassgati er listahátíð sem haldin er 12.-15. júní á ísafirði. Ungmennahópur starfar í Menningarmiðstöðini Edinborg stendur fyrir hátíðinni. Höfuðstöðvar hátíðarinnar eru í Edinborgarhúsinu. LÚR or Langt Útí Rassgati(farther out of nowhere) is an art festival held in Ísafjörður, Iceland the 12th - 15th of June. A Youth group in Edinborg Cultural
  • Listræn
  • afslöppuð
  • skemmtileg
  • LengstÚtíRassgati
  • relaxed
  • fartheroutofnowhere
  • fun

Una Sigurðardóttir

Multi skilled Artist
  • Mould making and casting sculptures
  • Carpentry

Dagbjört Emilía Söebech

Im a 16 year old student from Ísafjörður, Iceland and I love bacon and travelling.
  • Dancer

Nína Ivanova

Myndlistakona, hönnuður og fleira.
  • Bóka uppsetning
  • myndlistakona
  • Hönnun

Vinny Vamos

Multi-skilled Musician & Engineer
  • Sound Engineer
  • Electronic Engineer

Rósa Valtingojer

Multi skilled designer and craftsman
  • Ceramic
  • Carpentry

Zdenek Patak

Multi skilled designer and craftsman
  • Typography

Viðar Karlsson

CO Arctic Rock Records
  • Record Company Man
  • Contract negotiating

Sigurður Unuson

  • Plant indentification
  • Permaculture design
  • Nature interpretation
  • Teabrewing
  • Wild harvesting

Margeir Haraldsson

  • Ljósmyndun
  • Myndbandsgerð
  • Hugmyndavinna

Þóra Hinriksdóttir

Natural Shelterbelt
  • Environmentalist
  • Forrestry
  • Social Work

Elfar Logi

Leikshússtjóri, leikari og leikstjóri hjá Kómedíuleikhúsinu
  • Ofvirkur

Hallur Guðmundsson

Ain't that peculiar?
  • peoples person
  • Bass player
  • Text creator
  • PR agent

Stefán Steindórsson

  • Composer of one hit wonders

Þorvarður Sigurbjörnsson

  • Plokka bassa
  • Picking the bass

Takeshi Miyamoto

A Japanese photographer living in Paris since 2009.
  • Videographer
  • Reiki / Energetic & Massage Therapist

Jóhann Ingvason

  • Apple Product Professional
  • Keyboard player

Teitur Atlason

Skrifari, Bloggari, Plöggari, hugmyndari,
  • Interviewer

Johann Smari Karlsson

Johann Smari is Photographer at Iceland Real
  • artistic photographer
  • on location photography
  • einstök raunveruleg augnablik
  • hugmyndari
  • vetvangsljósmyndun
  • brúðkaup
  • fermingar
  • árshátíðir
  • tónleikar
  • matarmyndir
  • listræn ljósmyndun

Brynjólfur Ólason

Hönnuður | Ritstjóri | Útgefandi
  • QuarkXpress
  • literature
  • Typography
  • XML
  • PHP
  • Copywriting
  • Premiere Pro
  • Sound editing
  • Illustrator

Mikkel Rasmussen

Freelance writer and model. Education: M.D. , consultant psychiatrist and emergency doctor.
  • location finder
  • text writing
  • navigator
  • Gislis friend
  • Basic survival
  • fire master
  • imagination

Anna Lára Steindal

Author of Under a fig tree - a story of faith, hope and love. MA in philosophy with specialization in Islam in Europe.
  • Project planning, journalism, intercultural communication,

Hjörvar Hjörleifsson

  • Carpenter and Musician

Arnbjorg Kristin Konráðsdóttir

  • Kundalini Yoga
  • Yoga in Water
  • Gong healing
  • Tour Guiding
  • Spiritual Art

Bjarney Lúðvíksdóttir

  • Director and Producer

Berglind Ósk Birgisdóttir

I am a Registered Nurse and a board member of Tilvera (the Icelandic Infertility Association) and the Icelandic Endometrosis Association.
  • Healthcare
  • B.s Nurse
  • Infertility Counseling
  • IVF

Gyða Eyjólfsdóttir

I am a Psychologist in Private Practice with a never-ending interest in infertility and trauma. Currently working on the IVF Coaching App.
  • Psychologist
  • Infertility
  • IVF
  • Trauma
  • EMDR
  • Knitter
  • Healthcare

Gudni Gunnarsson

  • Life Coach- Speaker and author

Tanja Wohlrab-Ryan

CEO Kveikja, félagasamtök: Social Enterprise Iceland / samfélagsleg frumkvöðlastarfsemi á Íslandi
  • social enterpreneurship
  • social innovation
  • purpose generator

Frosti Jonsson

  • Producing
  • mixing
  • Mastering
  • Music producer
  • Label Manager

Frantisek Borsik

Marketing & Business consulting, Networking, Helping in Startup Iceland & Social Enterprise Iceland, LinkedIn evangelist…
  • Empathy
  • Copywriting
  • Social Enterprise
  • Story-telling
  • Online Presence
  • LinkedIn
  • Reputation Management
  • Google AdWords
  • Google Analytics
  • UX
  • Web Analytics
  • Business Inteligence
  • Customer Inteligence
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Corporate Identity
  • Poka Yoke
  • FIFO
  • Quality

Huginn & Muninn Bókaútgáfa/Publisher

Independent Icelandic Book Publisher
  • Label
  • Pubhlising
  • Digital Distribution
  • Music Label
  • books

Magnús Halldórsson

Blaðamaður // Journalist // Höfundur // Author
  • Media work
  • Photojournalism

Vala Þórsdóttir

I am a writer and performer.
  • interpreter

Andreas Toriseva

  • Sauna building
  • Bike repairs
  • Sourdough baker
  • Decent fotballer

Magnús Elvar Jónsson

I am working towards my Masters degree in Design at the Iceland Academy of the Arts as well as working full time as a graphic designer at Gagarin.
  • Photojournalism

Margrét Tryggvadóttir

Rithöfundur, bókmenntafræðingur, ritstjóri og fyrrverandi þingmaður.
  • Political Consultant
  • Picture and Editorial Reasearcher

Steinar Sigurðarson

  • Saxophone
  • Not a dancer

Stephen Prendergast

  • Stone Work
  • Carpentry
  • Accounts

Sveinn Davíðsson

  • Art Direction
  • UI Design
  • UX Design
  • Front-End Development
  • Typography

Hafsteinn Himinljómi Sverrisson

Theatre practitioner and designer.
  • Props and costume
  • dramaturgy
  • performance
  • puppetry

Einar Bergmundur

Environmentalist and developer at
  • Django
  • Databases
  • presentation
  • iOS
  • webdesign
  • Python
  • PostGIS
  • Maps
  • Apps
  • iOS app design

Fjóla Dögg Sverrisdóttir

Working with creative businesses towards success
  • Production
  • Financing

Barði Guðmundsson

A documentary on sick horses in the neighbourhood of an aluminium factory.
  • Screen Writer

Kristín Þorleifsdóttir

  • landscape architecture
  • útimarkaðssérfræðingur

Hildur Arna Gunnarsdóttir

Íslenskufræðingur, prófarkalesari, fjölmiðla-og fræðslufulltrúi
  • útimarkaðssérfræðingur

Auður Ragnarsdóttir

Contemporary Choreographer/Samtíma danshöfundur.
  • Intermedia

Magnea J

  • dancing

Ragnheidur Jonsdottir

  • social entrepreneur
  • Ecucator

Peter Hartree

Tech guy
  • PHP
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Yii
  • Web application development

Reykjavík Coworking Unit

  • Coworking space
  • Office space
  • Nice people

Sólborg Erla Ingadóttir

  • Multimedia Designer

johann Gunnarsson

  • Composer/bassist/violinmaker

Hrund Ólafsdóttir

Author and project manager
  • drama teacher
  • literature teacher
  • literary critic
  • drama critic

Hrafnkell Einarsson

  • Lifskúnstner

Kjartan Martinsson

Theatre practitioner, actor and filmmaker.
  • puppetry
  • Props design

Christopher Michael Czechowicz

Writer, Musician, Journalist
  • Writing, Music, Journalism

Alma Rut

  • Backing vocalists

.. ..

  • location finder

Guðrún Lina Thoroddsen

Professional filmmaker; editor, visual artist, videographer, director, producer - Owner and manager at VALA Motion Pictures (
  • Videographer

Heida Arnadottir

  • Singer
  • organiser

Agnes Löve

Ég hef verið píanóleikari í 60 ár, tónlistarstjóri Þjóðleikhússins, skólastjóri tónlistarskóla Rangæinga og tónlistarskóla Garðabæjar.
  • Skólastjóri

Bjarni Leifsson

  • Computer Scientist

Eggert Gunnarsson

Videographer and documentary maker
  • Videographer

Michael Christophersson

Artist and Graphic Designer.
  • colourist
  • colour grading
  • 3dsmax
  • DaVinci Resolve
  • Nuke
  • compositing

Hekla Jósepsdóttir

  • Heimspekingur

Hafþór Karlsson

  • Recording, Mixing

Bylgja Lind Pétursdóttir

  • Oil painter
  • B.A in Architecture

Helga Soley Vidarsdottir
  • Visionary Entrepreneur

Ólafur Josephsson

Musician with few ongoing projects hanging about: Stafrænn Hákon , Náttfari, Per:Segulsvið, Calder
  • Mastering
  • mixing
  • webdesign
  • Graphic design
  • music
  • Recording

Klara Nótt Egilson

  • Journalism, Creative Content Writing, Editorial, Blogging, Creative Writing
  • Broadcasting, Documentaries, Social Media

Elvar Guðmundsson

#1 KID
  • Vökva
  • Vagga
  • Velta

Gísli Steinar Jóhannesson

  • Paragliding Tandem Instructor
  • crowd funding
  • Networker

Ágústa Skúladóttir

  • choreographing

Ásþór Aron Þorgrímsson

Production & direction at Behind the Scenes. -
  • Short-Films
  • Music Videos
  • Production Service

Hilmar Gunnlaugsson

Supreme Court Lawyer and entrepreneur
  • Property law
  • Energy law
  • Administrative law
  • General legal advice
  • Real estates

Íris Stefanía Skúladóttir

Freelance artist/producer/curator
  • performance

Bára Halldórsdóttir

Ég er athafnamanneskja í orkulausumm og dyntóttum líkama. Ég hef sterka þörf til að byggja brýr milli heima, sýna veröld langveikra, fatlaðra og öryrkja. Rjúfa einangruna og nota mig sem dæmi og birtingarmynd þeirra sem geta ekki eða hafa ekki orku til að gera það opinberlega. Móðir, kona, manneskja
  • Textagerð
  • Kynnir
  • Listakona
  • Spákona
  • Aktívisti

Guðni Einarsson

I'm a electronic music producer, audio engineer and most importand a audio gig :) I'm also member in the band EAST OF MY YOUTH. I live in Reykjavik!
  • Electronic Musician
  • Audio Engineer

Erling Jóhannesson

  • jewellry Design

Guðbjörg Thoroddsen

  • drama teacher

Sólveig Morávek

  • Saxophone player,

Sigrún Gyða Sveinsdóttir

  • art student
  • music student

Trausti Laufdal

Musician & music producer from Reykjavík , Iceland. Tónlistarmaður og hljóðtæknir frá Reykjavík
  • Sound Engineer
  • music marketing
  • Singer Songwriter
  • Music producer
  • Guitarist
  • Lyricist
  • song and danceman

Barbara María Geirsdóttir

  • Nurse anasthetiset

Vedis Hervor

  • songwriting, singing
  • MBA 2015

Þórarinn Már Baldursson

  • Violist and children's books illustrator

Bergljót Arnalds

An Icelandic artist, actress and musician. Bergljót Arnalds has written many bestsellers books. She is the creator of the festival 'Love'.
  • artist and musician
  • Actress

Margrét Arnardóttir

  • Harmonikuleikari

Jóhannes LaFontaine

Dj • Producer • Owner Of [199X] Record Label • From Reykjavík • Based In Copenhagen
  • Dj

Rósa Ásgeirsdottir

  • Actress
  • voice over artist
  • Song composer

Sigrún Valdimarsdóttir

  • Ekkert blávatn
  • Heiðarleg

Gabriele Ranfagni

Director and animator artist since 20 years in the industry of animation
  • drawing animation direction

Dennis Deter

  • Performing music, playing guitar, Ukulele, banjo, stuff

Jón Knútur Ásmundsson

Project Manager at Austurbrú.
  • Writer, creative thinker and a lovely person.

Björg Björnsdóttir

Journalist, pr-person, editor, avid social media user and a sucker for hiking!
  • editorial

Halldóra Björnsdóttir

  • drama teacher

Slitnir Strengir

Fiðluhópur frá Akranesi / Folkmusic group from Akranes, Iceland
  • violinists

Jana Maria Gudmundsdottir

  • Actress
  • Voice Actor


  • whistler
  • a man with lots of doubts
  • I make a good quinoa salad

Lara Stefansdottir

Art photographer in Ólafsfjörður northern Iceland. Working on a project of myths and creatures in the nature.
  • art photographer

Ástvaldur Traustason

  • Piano Player
  • Accordeon Player
  • Choral Conductor
  • Music Arranger
  • Jazz Musician

Anja Mueller

Anja is a dancer, choreographer and musician. She recently performs under the moniker of the beat artist LA MULA.
  • dancing, singing, playing drums and synthesizer

Geir Olafsson

  • Art Direction

Milja Emilia Korpela

Packaging & Brand designer
  • Brand design
  • Packaging design
  • Brand strategy
  • illustration
  • Art Direction

Þorvaldur Gylfason

Prófessor Emeritus
  • Tónskáld

Steinunn Rögnvaldsdóttir

Félags- og kynjafræðingur
  • Feminist Research
  • Labor market research
  • HR consulting
  • Gender studies
  • Sociology

Dirk Jacobs

  • Sound Engineer
  • voice over artist

Rafael Merino

  • Natural Resources Law
  • Corporate Finance

Pétur Haukur Jóhannesson

Höfundur bókarinnar Nýlenda A0-4 -
  • Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
  • Running
  • books
  • Game design

Maria Hjalmarsdottir

Project Manager - Austurbrú
  • crowdsourcing
  • Start-ups
  • quirky ideas
  • open innovation
  • airlines

Elfa Hlín Pétursdóttir

Project manager at Austurbrú, East Iceland. Cultural initiator. Council member in Seyðisfjörður
  • Playing the recorder
  • tango dancing
  • Museums
  • Municipality politics

Heimir Bjarnason

  • Camera Department

Leifur Gunnarsson

I play the doublebass, and i'm all about making music.
  • doublebass
  • composition

Halldór Jón Björgvinsson

Assistant Director
  • Assistant director
  • Final Cut X

Embla Vigfúsdóttir

Freelance Designer
  • Leikjahönnuður
  • Spilahönnuður
  • Vöruhönnuður

Hugo Poge

I love what I do.
  • Product Developer, graphic designer

Hjalti Sveinsson

Film producer, director and musician from Reykjavík.
  • Director and Producer

Vilmar Pedersen

Ný ljóðabók eftir Vilmar Pedersen - "Ljóðið Óð Í Hljóðið Og Varð Að Tónverki"
  • Prose
  • literature
  • Spoken Word
  • Label Founder
  • Label Owner
  • Book Pubisher

Kristján Pétur Sigurðsson

  • Lazy
  • Singer in Tonnatak and LOST

Hugi Jonsson

  • pabbi
  • Plötuútgáfa

Ingi Bjarni Skúlason

Ingi Bjarni hefur gefið út fimm plötur með eigin verkum, leikið eigin tónsmíðar með fjölda tónlistarfólks á Íslandi og í Evrópu, gefið út nótnabók o.s.frv. Allar plötur hans hafa hlotið jákvæða gagnrýni erlendis.
  • Pianist
  • Composer

Bara Sigfusdottir

  • Choreographer

Felix Bergsson

  • presenter

Hörður Torfa

Sviðslistarmaður, söngvaskáld, mannréttinda baráttumaður.
  • Söngvaskáld
  • Leikstjóri
  • Artivist
  • Actor, director, songwriter, artist.

Sigurros Olafsdottir

  • Drawing
  • illustration
  • Sculpture
  • Installation
  • Mythology
  • Comics
  • Surrealism

Marteinn Ibsen

  • Stunt Performer

Davið Óskarsson

  • Meðstjórnandi

Birgir Birgisson

Industrial Designer
  • 3D SolidWorks
  • Concept Design
  • Keyshot Rendering
  • Production processes
  • Budget
  • Technical drawing
  • model building

Auður Ösp

  • Event Manager
  • Food design

Michael Clarke

  • violinist, singer (baritone), composer

Gudrun Oskarsdottir

  • Knitter
  • Acoustic engineering

Kristján Lyngmo

  • Maya
  • Vector Illustration
  • 3d Animation
  • 3D

Steinunn Jónasdóttir

  • Get hreyft annað eyrað

Guðlaugur Árnason

  • syngur
  • málar
  • semur ljóð

Gunnlaugur Ragnarsson

CEO of Merkjaholt Ltd.
  • financial planing
  • bookkeeping
  • financial management
  • Strategy planing

Sævar Daníel Kolandavelu

  • Writing, Mental gymnastics, intellectual work, creative thinking, inntellectual work, stragedy, selling, music, conversations, philosophy, logic, etc.

Ásta Sól Kristjánsdóttir

Co-owner of Bergsól Productions
  • Filmmaker
  • Director
  • Producer
  • writer
  • Project Management

Jóhanna Fjóla Ólafsdóttir

  • drama teacher
  • singing teacher
  • musicologist
  • Composer

Aldís Schram


Árni Geir Kristmundsson

Film producer, director and editor from Reykjavík.
  • Director and Producer

Daníel B. J. Guðrúnarson

I am a DJ
  • Radio DJ
  • Topp FM
  • Icelandic DJ
  • Icelandic Radio DJ

Logi Ingimarsson

Cinematographer and film-maker
  • colour grading

Bjorgvin Gudjonsson

Graphic Designer & Art Director, living and working in Denmark
  • Art Direction
  • UX
  • Branding
  • UI Design
  • illustration
  • Corporate Identity
  • nice person
  • Branding expert

Björg Árnadóttir

  • Writing, jorunalism, tourism, education management, teaching, creative writing, creative thinking, bibliodrama, self-empowerment

Olafur Haraldsson

Interaction Designer / Photographer
  • 3D

Bergur Thorberg

  • Painting by Bergur Thorberg

Simon Lyons

  • Bog snorkelling

Eyrún Huld Ásvaldsdóttir

  • Horse riding
  • imagination

Berghildur Bernharðsdóttir

Co-founder of Bergsól Productions wich has made 3 other documentaries
  • Producer, Director,
  • Film maker, Documentary films, Communication and marketing mangager, journalism,

Hulda Gunnarsdottir

  • Teacher and traveler

Guðmar S. Magnússon

  • Computer Scientist

Jón Ingi Stefánsson

  • Front-End Development

Reynir Traustason

Writer and editor
  • Editor and writer

Elísabet Ólafsdóttir

  • Vocal- Coach
  • Complete Vocal Technique
  • Söngkona
  • Söngkennari

Guðrún Jóhanna Ólafsdóttir

  • Mezzo-soprano

Ingi von Kessel

A dude on a mission !
  • Sound Engineer
  • Working the Bongo's

Sigurður Snorrason

  • Clarinet
  • netfang

Erla Skúladóttir

Filmmaker and Translator
  • Actor and Director
  • translator

Pétur Magnússon

  • Classical Guitar

Áslaug Jensdóttir

  • Ferðaþjónn
  • eiginkona, móðir, amma

Ingveldur Yr Jonsdottir

  • Choral Conductor

Ariel Marx

  • Music Supervisor

Heiðdís Austfjörð

  • special effects makeup artist
  • Hair Designer

Bjarki Kaikumo

  • Sound-designer
  • Keyboardist
  • Music-producer

Erla Ragnarsdóttir

  • co producer
  • co writer

Guðrún Hreinsdóttir

  • watercolor painter and general practitioner

Ari Marteinsson

  • Concept development
  • exhibition design
  • cultural facilitation

Gunnar Kr Sigurjonsson

  • Magic
  • Lay-out
  • Keyboard player
  • Hypnosis
  • proof reading

eva ingolf

  • Violin

Sigrún Sif Jóelsdóttir

  • Singer & songwriter
  • Computer music

Georg Hilmarsson

  • Composer, Musician

Anna Sigga Helgadottir

Dásamleg hundamamma
  • skemmtileg

Þórunn Erna Clausen

  • Actress, musician, producer, singer

Áki Frostason

Musician and cofounder of the Kaktus art-space.
  • Event Management

Valur Zophoníasson

  • Game Developer

Ingibjorg Thengilsdottir

  • Spiritual Channeler

Hekla Helgadóttir

Artist and founder of Kaktus art space
  • Event Management

Arnar Ómarsson

Artist, cultural instigator and explorer
  • Fine art
  • Concept development

Thor Sveinsson

Thor Sveinsson Master in pottery and designing applied arts
  • Ceramic artist
  • potter


  • UI Design
  • infographics

Unnur Elísabet Gunnarsdóttir

  • Choreographer

Elín Signy Ragnarsdottir

  • Dancer
  • Filmmaker
  • Yoga Teacher
  • Choreographer
  • Artist

Þórey Birgisdóttir

  • Dancer
  • Actress

Oliviu Lugojan-Ghenciu

Motion Designer
  • Motion Designer

Halla Kolbeinsdottir

  • Website management

Aðalsteinn Möller

  • Bass
  • Singer
  • songwriter

Selma kristín ólafssdóttir

Lista og Menningar kaffiúsið Stefnumót, fyrirlestrar um húmor og veikindi, einelti. Við viljum koma bænum okkar saman og hjálpa að gera hann betri.
  • communicating
  • happy
  • love
  • coffee

Björn Agnarsson

  • Very talented baseplayer

Robert Mikael

  • Freelance film maker
  • Sound editing

Sigursteinn Sigurðsson

  • architecture
  • urbanism

Þórir Ingvarsson

  • Conservation
  • Restoration

Benedikt Gröndal

  • Artist
  • Actor
  • nature
  • Plant enthusiast
  • Clowning
  • Theatre
  • Screenwriting
  • teaching
  • Dramateacher
  • Kindergarden

Matthías Sigurðsson

  • Stone carving

Guillaume Heurtebize

  • Gítar, banjo, sandkassaleikari
  • Grín

Hjörtur Hjartarson

Ég hef brennandi á öllu sem við kemur öryggi, verslun og þjónustu.
  • Verslunarstjórnun

Bragi Halldórsson

  • crowdsourcing
  • Strategy planing
  • Projects
  • Art and design
  • Illustrations
  • Products
  • Creative thinking
  • Product Developer
  • Layout
  • Indesign
  • Photoshop
  • Fact-Checking

Hermann Sigurdsson

  • Photography, Layout, Design

Kristleifur Daðason


Sigurlaug Gunnlaugsdottir

  • Publishing Manager

Sigurður Ægisson

  • Ethno-zoologist, theologian, writer

Atli Viðar Engilbertsson

Fjöllistamaður sem fæst við einstæða pappaskurðarlist. Einnig rithöfundur, tónlistarmaður og fleira.
  • Sjálfsmenntun
  • Self-education

Baldur Jónasson

  • System administrator
  • Calligraphy
  • Office 365

Ragnar Bragason

  • writer, director

Elli steinar

Flyfishing nerd
  • Flyfishing

Petra Bender

  • Textile Print Designer

Benedikt Erlingsson

  • filmaker/poet

Ása Einarsdóttir

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Graphic Desgin
  • UX
  • ui

Ingibjorg Elsa Bjornsdottir

  • Short-story writer

Agusta Sigrun Agustsdottir

  • Crossover soprano
  • Coach
  • HR consultant

Fabio Del percio

  • Director, Screenwriter, Producer

Thelma Marín Jónsdóttir

Singer/musician in the band EAST OF MY YOUTH
  • Electronic Musician

Jack Tinapple

  • Multi instrumentalist/Vocalist

Harpa Ósk Valgeirsdóttir

  • Midwife
  • web management

Mads Holst

  • Ninja
  • IT guru
  • Pigeon and whale expert
  • Sleepover bandit

Hlin Petursdottir Behrens

  • Vocal coach

Helga Birgisdóttir

  • Creator, Artist, Nurse, Lecturer, Author
  • NLP practitioner Coach

Margrét Þóra Jónsdóttir

Leikskólastjóri Teigaseli
  • Interested in good music

Þór J Þormar

  • Leikstjórn

Andres Jonsson

  • Optimization
  • LEAN
  • Data Analysis

julie arts

  • TheoryU
  • ArtOfHosting
  • TransitionProcess

Heimir Hafliðason

One of 3 owners of
  • Brain stormer

gerður erla tómasdóttir

I'm an Artist with a Wish to See a Future where People have Faith in the Good in them Self &= Others & live in Harmony with Nature...+
  • Painter, Writer, Set Designer, Philosopher, Shaman, Face painter, Tarot Reader...+

Mamiko Dís Ragnarsdóttir

  • Composing, song-writing, piano, singing, music-production
  • Tónsmíði, lagasmíði, píanó, söngur, tónlistar-pródúsering

Art Bicnick

  • Photojournalism
  • Art Direction
  • Multimedia Designer
  • Game designer

Guðni Þór Þrándarson

I am passionate about iodine and the improvement of health through nutrition. I studied chemistry and will have a PPL soon.
  • chemistry
  • Aviation

Felix Rafn Felixson

  • Bachelor in Business

Kristín Mjöll Jakobsdóttir

Stjórnarmaður í Óperarctic félaginu
  • verkefnisstjóri

Ríkarður G Hafdal

Icelandic farrier, horse rider and trainer based in Hörgársveit.
  • Horse riding
  • Horse training
  • Shoeing

Tryggvi Zophonias Pálsson

  • Unqualified student

Jens Jóhannsson

  • warehouse managment

Stefan Olafsson Stefansson

Producer, designer and co-manager of Möller Records.
  • Music production

Lárus Jón Guðmundsson

  • Ljóðskáld og rithöfundur

JonVidar Gunnarsson

Life is what you make of it.
  • System Programmer
  • ZOS

Árni St. Sigurðsson

  • System administration
  • Software architect

Kristjan Karlsson

Graphic Designer & photographer
  • Branding expert

Már Egilsson

  • microscopy
  • Image processing
  • Cell culturing

Jón Evert Pálsson

  • Very good with pledging
  • Ca$$sh

Alda Hjaltalin

  • Executive Producer

Einar Sturluson

  • Kerfisstjóri NTV

Jack Hrafnkell Danielsson

Just another brick in the wall...
  • photgrapher
  • Human

Jón Þór Ólafsson

  • Game Developer

Olgeir Valdimarsson

  • Býflugnabóndi

Guðrún Øyahals

  • Set Designer
  • visual art

Pamela De Sensi

  • Director Töfrahurð

Kolbeinn Soffíuson

  • Sound Engineer

eric eric

Production Artist
  • Animation n vfx

Tómas Eric Woodard

  • Multimedia design, photography, filming and marketing

Veigar Þormar

An independent filmmaker who wants to expand the movie business in Iceland by creating a number of excellent indie films.
  • Filmmaking, screenwriting, cinematographer

Silja Hendriksdóttir

Multimedia and graphic artist with a Bsc 1st class h. in Advanced modeling and animation and a Master, merit, in Digital Effects from the NCCA, BU
  • 3D
  • modeling
  • texturing
  • Organic modeling
  • Houdini
  • 3dsmax
  • Maya
  • Nuke
  • Mudbox
  • Premiere Pro

Sigurgyda Þrastardottir

  • writing, painting, Doing standups

Sólveig Heiðrún Stefánsdóttir

Ég starfa hjá Frjálsu Orði, Egilsstöðum. Þetta félag vinnur með verk Ásgeirs Hvítaskáld sem bóka- tónlista- og kvikmyndaútgáfa ásamt leiklist.
  • Kvikmyndafélagið Frjálst Orð

Sindri Jóhannsson

Project Manager of Digital Marketing at WOW air
  • Video

Ingolfur Axelsson

Self proclaimed world traveler, having adventured across the world. With experience and passion for finance & travel
  • Explorer

Thorstein Hreggvidsson

  • Logistcs & safety marine projects

Anna Benkovic Mikaelsdóttir

i am a whale protecting person from Iceland
  • Laborant

Berglind Häsler

  • keyboardplayer

Kristín Tómasdóttir

Skemmtilegt, fyndið og spennandi borðspil sem ýtir þátttakendm örlítið út fyrir þægindarammann.
  • Board game
  • self-esteem
  • books
  • Self-image
  • Borðspil
  • Sjálfsmynd
  • Bækur
  • Sjálfstyrking

Arnar Ari Lúðvíksson

  • Event Management
  • Dj

Hafsteinn Már S.

TopCool Records
  • Record Label Owner

Eydís Franzdóttir

  • Oboist
  • Director of Þula (Thula)
  • Organiser of 15:15 Concert Series

Guðjón Agnarsson

Digital Artist, Animator, Gentleman,
  • 3dsmax
  • Maya
  • Zbrush
  • 3D
  • modeling
  • 3d Animation
  • UnrealEngine
  • Comic illustration

Heiðrún Villa

  • Hundaatferlisfræðingur/dog behaviorist
  • Rithöfundur/Writer

Sólveig Þórarinsdóttir

Jóga & heilsusetur
  • Jógakennari 500 RYT
  • Bókaútgefandi
  • Fjármál

Birgir Breiddal

  • Astrologer
  • Architect
  • Professional Soccer trainer
  • Stjörnuspekingur

Halldór Örn Óskarsson

  • Lighting design

arnthor thorsteinsson

  • performance artist

Karl Bragason

  • parent
  • machine operator
  • idealist
  • analizer
  • leader

Gunnar Orn Arnason

  • studio photography,
  • landscape and nature photography

guðbjörg guðmundsdottir

  • violinist
  • string arranging

Guðgeir Arngrímsson

Film producer with a background in civil engineering and experience in systems administration.
  • Film Producer
  • Premiere Pro
  • Assistant director

Vigfús Gunnarsson

  • Assistant director
  • Second Assistant Director
  • Production Manager
  • Casting Agent

Helgi Ólafsson

  • Horse riding

Magnús Teitsson

  • Kung fu
  • Accents
  • Copy editing
  • Chess

Helga Arnalds

  • Theatre maker
  • artistic director of 10 Fingers

Íris Hólm

Singer/Songwriter from Iceland.
  • Harmonizing

Óli Laursen

  • Bipolar

Halldór Árnason

  • translator

Ævar Örn Jóhannsson (Hansel Eagle)

Actor and film maker from Bolungarvík, Iceland.
  • Film Producer

Ragnheiður Axel

Project manager and event management
  • colourist

Eygló Jónsdóttir

Ég er friðar- og umhverfissinni. Ég ætlaði að verða geimfari og bóndi þegar ég yrði stór og nú læt ég þessa drauma rætast í skáldskap og listsköpun. Ég kláraði nýverið MA í ritlist og er að fara að gefa út ljóðabók í haust.
  • sem ljóð, mála myndir, skrifa sögur, held fyrirlestra um mannúðarheimspeki

Mattia Vettorello

is an adventurer, photographer and story-teller inspired by nature.
  • Explorer
  • Story-teller
  • Traveler

Alan Perry

  • App Development (iOS)

Snævar S. Sölvason

Director and screenwriter from Bolungarvík, Iceland. Graduated from Icelandic film school 2014.
  • Screenwriting

Ása Berglind Hjálmarsdóttr

Musician, manager, choir and concert wind band conductor who loves to carry out ideas that seems crazy!
  • Music workshop
  • Trumpet player

Karl Örvarsson

Singer and songwriter in Trubodarnir
  • Musician and songwriter
  • Singer and entertainer
  • Imitator

Tómas Jónsson

  • Piano Player
  • Keyboard player
  • organ player


MEISTARAR DAUÐANS er þriggja manna unglingahljómsveit úr Reykjavík. Þeir hafa spilað saman síðan í æsku og fyrsta hljóðversplata þeirra hlaut útnefningu til Íslensku tónlistarverðlaunanna sem Rokkplata ársins 2015. Önnur plata þeirra, Lög þyngdaraflsins, kemur út 2018.
  • Drums
  • Bass Guitar
  • performance

Óskar Guðmundsson

  • Loud and heavy

Dettifoss Bergmann

  • Öskur
  • Læti
  • Urr

Steingrimur Gudmundsson

Biography Steingrimur Gudmundsson is a musician, born 1958 in Hafnarfjördur, Iceland.
  • Drums
  • Darboukha
  • Tabla
  • Drumming
  • Sheds

Freyja Gylfadóttir

  • Make-up Artist

ólafur björnsson

  • Uppfinningamaður

Silja Brá Guðlaugsdóttir

  • Servéttubrota snillingur

Heiðar Mar Björnsson

  • Director and Producer
  • Writer (Film)

Þorgrímur Jónsson

  • Father
  • Bassplayer
  • Acoustic passplayer
  • Musiclover

Dadi Runolfsson

  • Daði Runólfsson

Herdís Stefánsdóttir

  • Electronic Musician
  • Film Composer

Sigurdor Gudmundsson

  • electric bass
  • fretless bass
  • mixing engineer
  • Mastering Engineer

Kristjana Stefáns

Singer/songwriter & Icelandic Woman Extraordinaire
  • Composer, Singer Songwriter, Jazz Vocalist, Iceland

Ingibjörg Azima

  • Composer, musician.

Ásþór Loki Rúnarsson

Front man of the band Meistarar Dauðans - Singer, guitarist, writer, student and judoka.
  • music,
  • Judo

Þórarinn Þeyr Rúnarsson

Young, talented drummer, co-founded Meistarar Dauðans.
  • Drums

Ulrike Storch

  • Foot-juggler
  • circus artist

Albert Elías Arason

Bass player in the band Meistarar Dauðans.
  • Bass Guitar

Johanna Vilhjalmsdottir

  • Writer, Co-producer

Eyrun Osk Jonsdottir

  • Writer, poet, perfomer

Anna Linda Matthiasdóttir

  • Pastry chef & Kindergarden Teacher

Soffía Reynisdottir

  • Multimedia Designer
  • post production
  • Premier Pro

Konrad Gylfason

  • Business administration

Florian Dohrmann

  • playing acoustic bass

Unnar Örn Stefánsson

  • Luthier
  • Gítarsmiður

Helga Rut Gudmundsdottir

  • Music courses
  • Early childhood music
  • Music Education

Ring Of Gyges

An Icelandic progressive metal band.
  • Progressive metal
  • Progressive Rock

Bildalia Kingdom

The Kingdom of Bildalia
  • Steampunk artist

Pétur Einarsson

Pétur Einarsson áður flugmálastjóri / DGCA Iceland rtd.
  • Mannvinur / Philantrophist

Kristinn Agnarsson

Drummer for many artists, incl. John Grant, Ásgeir, Jónas Sig, Megas, Baggalútur and more.
  • mixer

Hafdis Erla Bogadottir

Hafdís Erla stofnaði fyrirtækið Sýslu ehf í kringum spilin" 52 fróðleiksmolar um Ísland og Íslendinga". Sjá
  • Owner

Marie Legatelois

Being a new mother, I want to give the healthiest food and environment possible to my family. Diplomas in environmental management, ecology and photo.
  • nature
  • nutrition and health
  • flying

Johann Breidfjord

  • App developement, programming, web design, toy design, teaching

Björn Halldór Helgason

  • Music Composition

Daníel Hallgrímsson

  • Can't do shit

Ásta Björg Björgvinsdóttir

Tónlistarkona, tónsmiður, píanóleikari, söngkona, útsetjari.
  • recording engineer
  • arrangement

:Orn Smári Gislason

  • T-shirt blogger

Heiða Dögg Liljudóttir

  • trivia, cat rescue, writing, baking, learning.

Nicolas Kunysz

Founder & designer @ TheMakery / Co Founder @ Lady Boy Records
  • Rapid Prototyping
  • 3D printing
  • Laser cutting
  • Production management
  • Art Direction

Ásta María Guðmundsdóttir

  • Social work -/ Team work

Tholly Rosmunds

  • Blues singer

Rut Rikey Tryggvadottir

  • Textile artist

Guðmunda Jónsdóttir

  • Writing, photography

jimmy salinas

  • Directing, DOP, Editing , Producer
  • Red Cross Volunteer

Örvar Geir

Cannabis Activist and Political Artist, Co-founder of Rvk Homegrown Iceland and 420 Smokeout organizer
  • Political and Social Activism
  • Love
  • Karma
  • People
  • Heart

Lovisa Halldorsdottir

  • Screenwriting
  • feature films

Magnús Ómarsson

Technical Supervisor hjá 23 frames
  • Sound Designer

Guðrún Óskarsdóttir

  • Musician, harpsichordplayer

Hjalmar Stephan

  • Bassaleikari

Guffa Kristins

Ég er ung áhugamanneskja um hunda og hönnun
  • Hundamanneskja
  • Stjórnandi Hundasamfélagsins
  • Meðlimur í FÁH
  • animal lover

Silja Bara Omarsdottir

  • Academic
  • Political Science
  • International Relations
  • Feminist Research
  • Negotiations
  • Reproductive Rights

Anna Sæunn Ólafsdóttir

Filmmaker and actress. Living in Iceland. Challenging boarders of life.
  • Funmaking

Haraldur Guðmundsson

Ljóðskáld, lagahöfundur og hljóðskúlptúristi.
  • Soundsculpture
  • doublebass player
  • Composer
  • Jazz

Oli Schram

  • Ég er fæddur í vesturbæ Reykjavíkur en frá unga aldri dvaldi ég í sveitinni frá maí lokum framundir október byrjun. Þar smitaðist ég af útrþrá og ferðagleði, hlustaði á fuglana og talaði við hundinn. Síðar á ævi minni gerði ég útiveru að mínu starfi og hef rekið ferðaþjónustu í tæp 30 ár.Ferðast um

Lilja Bjork Haraldsdóttir

  • Yoga instructor, dance, performance, teaching

Guðfinnur Ýmir Harðarson

Executive producer at 23 Frames
  • Executive Producer

Atli Steinn Hrafnkelsson

  • Recording
  • Tónlist

Thorgeir Thorgrimsson

  • Gifts and souvenirs

Samuel Hjaltalin

  • Programming C
  • Electronics design

Þór Breiðfjörð

  • Lyrics
  • Voice-over

Charlotte Bøving


Hanna Loftsdottir

  • Musician, cellist

Hafdís Bjarnadóttir

Tónskáld, rafgítarleikari, allt-muligt-kona / A composer, electric guitarist, a jack of all traits.
  • Music, composition, guitarist


The Dude abides
  • Ninja

Gerður Jóhannsdóttir

Héraðsskjalavörður sem sinnir listum í hjáverkum. Archivist which submits to the arts in her spear time.
  • Library and Information Science

Matthías Magnússon

  • Radio
  • Host
  • Researcher

Elín Guðmundsdóttir

  • GIS
  • Cartography
  • Nature Scientist

Alisdair Wright

  • Song writer/Arranger

Alfreð Símonarson

  • music making

Sandra Hrafnhildur

  • stofnandi Djörfungar.
  • Stofnandi Vonarnistis.

Guðrún Sæmundsen

Höfundur skáldsagnanna: Hann kallar á mig (2015) og Andstæður (2018). Hann kallar á mig var tilnefnd til Íslensku hljóðbókaverðlaunanna 2021, Storytel Awards. Nú safna ég fyrir útgáfu nýjustu bókarinnar minnar, sálfræðitryllinum RÓSA.
  • novel
  • books
  • Google Analytics
  • International marketing

Orri Jónsson

  • Filmmaker

Dölli (Sölvi Jónsson)

  • söngur og kassagítar, lög og textar

Georgia Browne

  • flute
  • English editor

Kristján B. Heiðarsson

  • Drumming, playing guitar, singing

Martijn Veenman

  • Photography, blogging about the Nordics, Doctoring ;-)

Anna Lísa Björnsdóttir

  • Stofnandi KÚRS
  • Stofnandi Safnabókarinnar
  • Stofnandi Gleym mér ei styrktarfélags
  • Vinstri græn gella sem elskar hagræn áhrif friðlýsinga

Hallgrímur Sævarsson

  • Hallgrímur Sveinn Sævarsson
  • Muscian
  • Composer

Travis Patterson, PhD

  • Video Production
  • Music Composition
  • Statistics
  • Python
  • Muse
  • Content Developer
  • Data Mining
  • XML
  • Instructional Design
  • Instructional Technology
  • Industrial Psychology
  • Databases

Inga Dóra Guðmundsdóttir

  • Gleði
  • Núvitund
  • crochet
  • Mindfulness
  • Counseling

Krista Hermanson

  • Raving Fan of Asta Sol
  • I wish you great success.

Christina Attensperger

  • child of nature

Helga Elísabet Beck Guðlaugsdóttir

Það er aldrei of seint að verða rokkstjarna...
  • Bassafantur

Kristján Einarsson

  • Game design
  • Podcasting
  • Video editing

Stígur Steinþórsson

  • BIM
  • concept creation
  • Art Direction
  • sketchup
  • theatre design
  • comix
  • intaglio
  • montain climbing

Jason Scott

  • linux, talking, networking, geek

María Björk Steinarsdóttir

  • Líffræðingur
  • Starfar með iðjuþjálfum á Landakoti

Jon Bjarnason

  • +5 to dodge

Karl Pestka

  • Violin
  • composition
  • Beatboxing
  • Radio DJ
  • viola

Guðrún Helga Gylfadóttir

  • Saxófónleikari
  • Nótnavörður

Valgeir Guðjónsson

  • Musician, composer, writer, performer, educator

Rannveig Magnúsdóttir

  • Biology
  • Throwing axes
  • Environment science

Astthor Agustsson

  • Voiceover artist

Dagný Bjarnadóttir

  • landscape architect

Alexander Sigman

  • audiovisual
  • sound perception research

Thor Sigurdsson

  • Microsoft System Administration
  • SeoStrategy
  • Citrix

Leonidas Milios

  • music enthusiast

gudbjorg marinosdottir

  • Hulda vilhjálmsdóttir

Una Guðlaug Sveinsdóttir

Translation student, scout leader, cheese lover.
  • Leadership
  • Team building
  • Motivating
  • Joking
  • Scout leader

Margret Eir

  • Singer, actress

Matthildur Anna Gisladottir

  • Répétiteur
  • Coach
  • Accompanist
  • opera
  • Classical Music

Einar Reynisson

  • Horse training

Megan Horan

  • Night vision

Valdís Ösp Jónsdóttir

Nurse, mother, cuddler
  • B.Sc in Nursing
  • Parenting
  • Joking
  • Leadership
  • Resourcefulness
  • Scout leader
  • Motivating

angela rawlings

a rawlings is a Canadian-Icelandic interdisciplinary artist whose books include Wide slumber for lepidopterists (Coach House Books, 2006), Gibber (online, 2012), o w n (CUE BOOKS, 2015), and si tu (MaMa Multimedijalni Institut, 2017), and Sound of Mull (Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology, 2019).
  • dramaturgy
  • performance

Arnar Dan

  • Hönnuður
  • Höfundur
  • Heimilisfaðir
  • Hmaðurinn


Pure Icelandic thrash metal!!!!
  • Musicians
  • Metal
  • Iceland
  • thrashmetal

Bragi Arnason

  • Singing, acting, dancing, producing.

Kolbeinn Tumi Haraldsson

  • Piano Player
  • Keyboard player

Klavs Liepins

26, Dancer and Performer, Reykjavik
  • Dancer
  • Performer

Gísli Magna

  • Söngvari
  • Útsetjari
  • Stjórnandi
  • Frumkvöðull

Benny Lee

  • clarinetist

Fridrik Gislason

  • Write poetry

Þórhildur Löve

  • Valkyrja, MamaBear, Ofurkona

Sandra Mogensen

  • classical piano
  • Accompanist
  • Diction coach
  • Edvard Grieg's music
  • Concert programming
  • Teaching piano

Ægir Þór

Ægir Þór er heimspekingur, skáld, útgefandi, ritstjóri, þýðandi og fleira.
  • philosophy
  • history
  • literature
  • Prose
  • Spoken Word
  • event organiser

Högni Páll Harðarson

  • Motorcycle traveler

Harpa Lúthersdóttir

Höfundur bókarinnar "Má ég vera memm?" sem er byggð á minni eigin reynslu.
  • Listakona

Unnur Sveinsdóttir

  • Motorcycle traveler

Ágústa Bjarnadóttir

  • Photography, Multimediadesign

Skúli Pálsson

Heimspekingur, kennari, hagyrðingur.
  • Discussion facilitation
  • Poetics

susie wilde

  • teaching

Ýr Þrastardóttir

I am going the be an Artist at a residence in the Chinese / European art centre in Xiamen, China. I am a fashion designer with four years experience i
  • Pattern making
  • Fashion drawing
  • Illustraition

Kristján Martinsson

  • Accordeon Player

Dominykas Vysniauskas

  • Trumpet player
  • improviser

ken steen

  • sound artist

Kári Allansson

  • Organist
  • Choral Conductor
  • Arrangements

Samuel Jacobsen

  • Chinese
  • International Management

Berglind María Tómasdóttir

Berglind María Tómasdóttir er flautuleikari og tónskáld sem vinnur þvert á miðla. Í verkum sínum leitast hún við að kanna ímyndir og erkitýpur sem og tónlist sem félagslegt fyrirbæri.
  • Tónlistarmaður
  • Flautuleikari
  • Tónskáld

Hildigunnur Halldorsdottir

Ég hef leikið í Sinfóníuhljómsveit Íslands og tónlistarhópunum Caput og Camerarctica um árabil og m.a. komið fram á Listahátíð í Reykjavík, Myrkum músíkdögum og Sumartónleikum í Skálholti. Lék einnig í uppfærslum Þjóðleikhússins á söngleikjunum Saga úr Vesturbænum og Syngjandi í Rigningu.
  • violinist

Guðrún Þóra Gunnarsdóttir

  • teikning
  • crochet
  • Calligraphy

Brynhildur Yrsa

  • Baráttukona

Lukas Ujcik

I am sound designer and editor based in Prague. Former FAMU student and graduate. Now part of crew in Sleepwalker - postproduction studios and sound equipment rental.
  • Dialogue Editing
  • Foley Editing
  • Foley Recording
  • Re REcording Sound Mixing

Karen Morecroft

  • printmaking
  • cross stitch
  • crochet

Unnur Gígja

  • Listræn
  • skipulögð

Bjarni Rúnar Bjarnason

  • Tonmeister
  • Sound editing

Örn Orrason

  • gítarhetja

Margaryta popova

  • Classical Musician

Dagbjört Agnarsdóttir

  • Tourism
  • Iceland
  • joker
  • event palnning
  • peoples person
  • social network
  • Explorer
  • positive

Ingibjörg Gréta Gísladóttir

  • Brain stormer
  • Concept Design
  • Content Marketing

Þór Hilmarsson

Accounting, finance and planing. Project- and strategic management. Lover of interesting people and the arts.
  • Book-keeping
  • Planing
  • Strategy
  • Start-ups

Lilja Gudmundsdottir

  • Opera singer

Jón Hrólfur Sigurjónsson

  • árni kristjánsson

Hélène Navasse

  • solo flutist

Hymnodia Kammerkór

  • improvising
  • choir
  • Musicians
  • Live performance
  • Colorful individuals

Max Naylor

  • Íslenska
  • Þýðing
  • Smásala
  • Kaffihúsarekstur
  • Retail
  • Linguistics
  • Hospitality
  • Food

Óðinn Davíðsson Löve

There are only so many words to describe what it is that I am.
  • Brain stormer
  • Premiere Pro


  • Gler
  • GL EB
  • Gleb
  • Ingvar

Melkorka Laufeyjardóttir

Autobiography of sexual violence within and institute, domestic violence of 27 years, loss of 3 daughters and 1 abortion.
  • Guð- og trúarlífsfræðingur
  • Sorgar- og áfallasérfræðingur
  • Sálgæslufræðingur
  • Klassískur söngvari
  • Listmálari
  • Rithöfundur

Bjarni Már Ólafsson

  • Physical therapy
  • Athletics
  • Restoring bicycles
  • Cookie tasting
  • Handiwork

Passport Miðlun

Framleiðsla heimildamynda.
  • Framleiðsla

gardet benjamin

  • sound ingineer france

Stefán Bachmann Karlsson

  • café, burgers
  • pit stop, laudromat
  • scooterrent

Sigríður Jónsdóttir

  • Sigríður Jónsdóttir
  • Baka

Sandra Borg Bjarnadóttir

Matrika Studio
  • Multipotentiality

Àsmundur Jóhannsson

  • Drummer/recording engineer/producer

Hrafna Jóna Ágústsdóttir

Listakona og ljósmyndari sem skráir það skrýtna og dökka í kringum og í eigin huga.
  • Dalek Hunter
  • retoucher

Berglind Ásgeirsdóttir

  • drawing, painting

Bjarni Bragi Kjartansson

Mastering engineer at The Sound-correctional Clinic
  • Mastering Engineer

Skúli Arason

  • Musician / filmmaker

Una Þorleifsdottir

  • painting wood images

Hermann Ottósson

  • Business analysis
  • Business Plan development
  • Contract negotiating
  • Critical Thingking
  • Leadership
  • Strategy
  • Corporate Identity
  • International Marketning
  • Marketning Strategy
  • Humanitarian
  • Tourism
  • Mentor
  • Presentation skills

Iris Osp Sveinbjornsdottir

  • graphic desing
  • art creation

Margrét Rúnarsdóttir

  • singing, songwriting,

Rafal Szczerbowski

  • Music Management
  • tour management
  • music promoting

Nicolas Liebing

  • Sound designer, composer, foley artist
  • native french speaker

Ragnar Egilsson

  • 0
  • Allt Falt
  • Home
  • programmers

Ayla van Kessel

  • cineast
  • remaining calm

Óttar Sæmundsen

  • Bassplayer

Delia Spatareanu

  • curiouser
  • free range artisan

Gunnar Magnusson

  • spontaneous humour
  • wood worker
  • really qualified driver

Hannes Þórður Þorvaldsson

Lyfjafræðingur og frumkvöðull á fæðubótarefnamarkaði með sérstakann áhuga á heilsu og næringu
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Contemporary Dance
  • Health & Nutrition
  • Sport Supplements

Finnur Freyr Eiríksson

Lyfjafræðingur og doktorsnemi í líf- og læknavísindum við Háskóla Íslands. Frumkvöðull með sérstakann áhuga á heilsu og næringu
  • Pharmacology
  • Biotechnology
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Health & Nutrition
  • Sport Supplements
  • Biomedical Sciences

Finnur Þ. Gunnþórsson

  • draga fram hæfileika annarra, markþjálfun,

Sindri Swan

Leikari, Leikstjóri, Framleiðandi í London - Vonandi fljótlega á Íslandi líka!
  • presentation
  • Creative Producions

Kristrún Gunnarsdóttir

  • Swedish
  • Risk Management
  • Impact Investing
  • Measuring Impact
  • Microfinancing
  • Big Data

Þór Bachmann

With a business degree fused from Asia, Europe and Iceland;Thor has been involved with independent management consultancy, startups and now the energy
  • Strategy
  • mobile
  • VOD
  • product management
  • IPTV
  • telecom
  • negotiation
  • management consulting
  • content aquisitions
  • proposition development
  • content strategy

Sæþór Ásgeirsson

Stofnandi og Framkvæmdarstjóri IceWind ehf / Founder and CEO of IceWind ehf
  • Wind turbine developer
  • Energy engineering
  • Welding

Michael Eis

  • Advisor
  • Crowdfunding

Einar Skulason

  • Organisational Planning
  • MBA

Baldvin Zophoniasson

  • Film director

Gunnar Eiríksson

  • Rennismiður

Kjartan Hallur

  • pennavinur

Aron Trausti

  • Adapting

Adalsteinn Johannsson

Investing in innovative entrepreneurs that might have good ideas :)
  • Investment Banking
  • Tech M&A
  • Private Equity
  • Venture Capital
  • Angel Investing

Friðrik Karlsson

  • Fridrik Karlsson

Hera Björk

  • Tónlistarkona

Einar Thor

  • Leikstjórn

Erlingur Thorsteinsson

Finished Ph.D. essay doing research.
  • PhD essay

Maryna Harbal

Strategic thinker and business developer
  • Corporate Finance
  • Strategic consulting
  • Economics
  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Market research

Doug Kirby

  • Producer Director

Beatrice Schulte zur Hausen

  • with Freyr fra Reykjavik; V: Aron fra Strandarhofdi

Valli Gunnlaugsson

Eigandi Íslensku Flatbökunnar
  • Making pizza
  • Event planning
  • Catering

Kári Birgir Angantýsson

  • lover
  • Lazy
  • freaky
  • blond
  • bold

Kristín Blöndal

  • amateur photographer
  • Business lawyer
  • Bookkeeper
  • Mom
  • Nightphotography

Jónína Björg Magnúsdóttir

A singer with a strong voice.
  • Singing, translator of lyrics.
  • Often perform a capella, can play a guitar to accompany myself if needed.

Benedikt Helgi Sigfússon

Ég hef gert upp marga bíla um æfina og meðal annars smíðað 2 Torfærubíla,en nú er að fara að gera upp frægasta bíl Íslandssögunar Sódóma Trans aminn
  • að gera upp bíla

Martin Schulz

Born 1975 in Munich. Landscape photography, mainly Iceland is the key issue of my work.
  • busines administration

Birta Flokadottir

  • Enjoy life ;-)

Roy DelMundo

  • Vegan Beer Drinker

Jung-Sen Lee

Taiwanese, former student in Paris. LGBT advocate, love travelling, tennis, jogging & cook. Love everything about Iceland.
  • computer programming
  • Linguistics

Sesselía Ólafs

  • Screenwriting
  • performance
  • Writer (Film)

Benedikt Freyr Jónsson

Dj, Producer, creator and owner of Lifandi Verkefni, Ske and Skyn.
  • Music, Production, Creating

Andrea Sóleyjar & Björgvinsdóttir

Höfundur, móðir & multitasker
  • mother of three
  • books

Arnbjörg Sigurðardóttir

  • performance
  • choir
  • Fluteplayer

Pétur Halldórsson

Náttúrubarn sem er alltaf á hjóli, syngur í kór og talar fyrir meiri skógi jarðarbúum til heilla
  • Tenor
  • communicator
  • choir
  • Forestry
  • Radio
  • Bicycling
  • Text editing
  • Brain stormer

Eyþór Ingi Jónsson

  • conducting
  • Organist

Elvý G. Hreinsdóttir

  • choir
  • perfomance

Jóna Valdís Ólafsdóttir

Ég hef verið söngfugl síðan ég man eftir mér...
  • choir
  • soprano
  • nice person

Helena Gudlaug Bjarnadottir

  • singing, pianoplaying, guide, choir, orchestra, teaching

Hjörleifur Hjálmarsson

  • tenore
  • administrator
  • fly fishing
  • choir

Helga Edwald

  • Environmental Science
  • Norwegian

Elisabet Hjaltested

  • livskunstner

Guðjón Hreinn Hauksson

  • Computers
  • choir
  • Tenor
  • System administrator
  • OneNote
  • IT Service and Support
  • Tour Guiding

Halla Jóhannesdóttir

  • music student
  • choir

Hildur Magnusdottir

Framkvæmdastjóri Pure Natura- fæðubót úr Íslenskum matvælum
  • M.Sc in finance and international business
  • stjórnun
  • Fjármál
  • vöruþróun
  • viðskiptaráðgjöf
  • heilsuefling

Trausti Pálsson

  • Simply the best

Maria Þorvarðardóttir

Framkvæmdastjóri , pistlahöfundur um velferð dýra , ljósmyndun, og ritstörf.
  • programing
  • photos

Ingibjörg Þórarinsdóttir

  • interior decoration
  • interior designing

Hannes Sigurðsson

  • hard-working
  • Craftsman
  • Musician and human being
  • nature lover

Jóhanna Berglind

Ég er móðir, amma, og eiginkona, lærður sjúkraliði og vinur vina minna. Ég elska að vera heima við og dunda mér í eldhúsinu eða úti í garði.
  • nursing
  • grandmother

Hermann Valsson

  • Leiðsögumaður og ferðamálafræðingur
  • Kerfisfræðingur
  • Sölu- og markaðssetning
  • Landvörður

Berta Dröfn Ómarsdóttir

  • soprano
  • Art history
  • Italian
  • Verkefnastjórn

Sigrún Snorradóttir

  • Útivistarfrík
  • Verkefnastjóri
  • Mamma
  • Snillingur

Ragnhildur Einarsdóttir

  • Accountant
  • System analyst
  • Flight instructor
  • Member of the Icelandic Rescue Team

Ársæll Erlingsson

  • Event planer

Jón Rafnsson

  • music publisher
  • music distribution
  • CD concept design

Arnaldur Gauti Johnson

  • Swedish
  • Sales & Marketing

Gerdur jonsdottir

  • Exercise
  • Markeding
  • Trainer
  • yoga

Guðbjörg Kristín Eiríksdóttir

  • multilingual
  • Social Work

Kristinn Pálsson

  • Sales & Marketing

Ragnar Þorsteinsson

  • lamb
  • modeling
  • Jew's harp

Hjalti Jónsson

söngvari, sálfræðingur og gítarleikari
  • Psychologist

ÞÓRGUNNA Þórarinsdóttir

  • learned yogateaching, thai chi, teaching refloxology, infantmassage etc. learning painting

Ylfa Edith Jakobsdottir Fenger

  • Y Coaching &Consulting
  • HR and leadership consulting
  • Positive Psychology

Daði Garðarsson

  • ótakmarkaðir

Elí Helgason

  • Electrician
  • Necative Nancy

zenonas gilaitis

  • developer
  • carpenter

Ingimar Bjarni Sverrisson

  • Leikstjórn
  • Devising
  • Skrif

Hulda Rós Guðnadóttir

  • contemporary artist
  • visual art
  • Film director
  • Film Producer

Aldís Pálsdóttir

Ljósmyndari | P*aldis -
  • Art Direktor
  • Mother of two
  • Creativ
  • Birth
  • editorial
  • books
  • Magic

Hafdís Rúnarsdóttir

  • Midwife
  • mother of three
  • grandmother

Ásgeir Ásgeirsson

Hef áhuga á frumkvöðlum.
  • green

Graham Stewart

Trade union offical based in the UK, likes Scotland and Iceland
  • Design, layout, campaigning

Ezra Blondel

  • Education Reform Specialist

Villt útgáfa ltd.

  • getting naked
  • jólin
  • borða súkkulsði
  • elska lomma

Særún Lisa Birgisdóttir

  • teaching
  • Ethnology
  • Folklore

Gísli Jóhann Grétarsson

Gísli Jóhann Gretarsson (1983), is an Icelandic composer/conductor, with great passion for opera and opera's fairytale-like form.
  • Conductor
  • conducting
  • opera
  • Music Arranger
  • composition
  • Choral Conductor

Katla Gunnarsdóttir

  • liðugt eyra
  • transfigurating garbage

Pauline McCarthy

  • Singer/Actress
  • Menopause support

Óskar Þór Þráinsson

  • ebook concersion

Breki Mánason

  • Sound Design
  • Music production

Freyja Kristinsdóttir

  • Veterinarian
  • Filmmaker

Jon Bui Gudlaugsson

Civil engineer with over 30 years of professional experience in Renewable Energy. Have been located in Africa last 4 years
  • Civil Engineer

Styrmir Barkarson

  • entrepreneurship

Jonas Thor

  • Historian

Brynjar Björnsson

  • Freelance translator, amateur musician

Benjamin R. Parkire

  • Community Liaison Officer at Akiira One Geothermal Co. Ltd and works at Operations Manager at Greenline Solar Kenya Ltd

Ruth Ebole

I have passion for women´s rights to a better life
  • Logistic Director

Goði H. Falk

  • grafic design

Truth Awaking

Íslenska Prog Metal hljómsveitin Truth Awaking / The Icelandic Prog Metal band Truth Awaking
  • Progressive metal

Hákon Ágústsson

  • Google AdWords

Bjarki Þór Pálmason

  • Suður Amerikureisa

Haukur Palmason

  • recording engineer
  • mixing engineer
  • Mastering Engineer
  • Drummer
  • Percussionist

Mikael Magnusson

  • keeping involved

Heiðrun Klara Johansen

  • Hundaatferlisfræðingur

Halldóra Guðlaugsdóttir

  • Hundaatferlisfræðingur

Peter Weldon

  • mountain biking

Óðinn Sverrisson

Patreksfirðingur, kvikmyndaunnandi
  • Sysop
  • Singing in the shower

Matthias Schulz

  • Graphics Desgin
  • Audio Mastering

marko tanninen

  • webdesign
  • Tinkering

Sandra Helgadóttir

Leikkona og kvikmyndagerðarmaður.
  • Actress

Dorothee Lubecki

  • project development

Prins Puffin

  • Rapping

Emmi Beats

  • Rapping

H Bridde

  • Mastering
  • Rapping

Elli Grill

  • Rapping
  • Magician

Sigurdur Arnason

  • Lander
  • Thinker
  • Player

Harpa Pétursdóttir

  • Lawyering, cooking and baking.

magnea örvarsdóttir

I am writing recordings from the beginning of GusGus 1995-1997. Records from meetings interviews, ideas pictures and music .
  • philosopher, journalist, translator, designer, artist and more...
  • I have worked as a journalist, writer, artist, designer, editor and more for over 25 years and I have worked for many different medias creating different atmosphere, emotion and logic each time. The book on the beginning of the creative group of people that formed GusGus is a challenging project.

Hallgrimur Helgason

  • writer/artist

Matthías Tryggvi Haraldsson

  • Þýðingar
  • Handrit

Lárus Elíasson

  • Snillingur

Johann Asmundsson

  • Producer/Engineer

Ásmundur Jóhannsson

Upptökumaður í Studio Paradís og trommari.
  • Sound Engineer

Sigurður Líndal

  • Regional development
  • Theatre Directing
  • Tourism Management
  • Translation
  • Puppetry Festival Management
  • Voice Over Artiste
  • Arts Policy and Management

Arni Oli Olafsson

  • Sound Engineer
  • Do-er

Tara Tjorvadottir

  • Web Developement
  • Multimedia Design

Kristján Andri Jóhannsson

  • Copywriting
  • Business ethics
  • Meditation
  • Gardening

Hrafn Thrainsson

Ævintýramaður með mikinn áhuga á floti og heilbrigðu líferni.
  • Adventurer

Sigurlina Styrmisdottir

Guesthouse for blind people and people in wheelchair and I want to build garage and make it as flat
  • recearch
  • fix broken things
  • helping handicapted people

Guðný Katrín Einarsdótir Kjærnested

Sérkennari við námsver Kópavogsskóla, ráðgjafi hjá Fjólu, félagi fólks með samþætta sjón- og heyrnarskerðingu og þroskaþjálfi hjá YLFA ehf.
  • Ráðgjafi fólks með samþætta sjón- og heyrnarskerðingu

Hrafnhildur Halldórsdóttir

  • Midwife
  • mother of three
  • birth educator
  • buiesness owner

Magnea Björk Valdimarsdóttir

Leikstjóri- heimildamyndir og leikhús. Hef starfað sem leikkona í leikhúsi og kvikmyndum. -----
  • Documentary making
  • Theatre teaching
  • Directing

Stephan Stephensen

Emotional Carpenter / Radio Bongo
  • Emotional Carpenter

Norrie Lynch

  • DJ-Radio Presenter

Christen Østerbye

  • Funk freak :)

Jeroen de Rijk

  • Percussion
  • Recording
  • Live music

Jóhann Ingi Sigurðsson

  • Mastering
  • composition
  • Music-producer

María Guðmundsdóttir

Eigandi Kakalaskála ehf. / Owner of Kakalaskáli
  • craft
  • Arts
  • buisness owner
  • Planing
  • hairdresser

Ninna Margrét Þórarinsdóttir

Child culture designer and illustrator.
  • Toy Design
  • illustration

þórunn antonía

  • Singing, songwriting, music

Elfa Kristinsdóttir

  • Empathy
  • psycology
  • human resorces
  • Listener
  • Music lover

massimo bellingeri

  • mezzoforte traveler

Dan Stewart

  • Computer use

Herbert Guðmundsson

  • Singin/ songwriting

Margrét Friðriksdóttir

Margrét er grafískur miðlari, forritari og frumkvöðlafræðingur að mennt. Margrét stofnaði þar sem mörgum hugnast ekki þöggun og ritskoðun stóru miðlana í samfélaginu og virðast þeir allir sýktir af pólitískum rétttrúnaði sem er orðið mein í samfélaginu og mikilvægt er að bregðast við.
  • News media
  • Skapandi, listræn, greinarhöfundur og aktivisti..

Marijn Eland

  • Sound Engineer

Danijel Planinc

  • developer

Skaga Rásin

  • Útvarp Stöð
  • Internet
  • Dagskrá
  • Í Beinni

Helgi Zimsen

  • Hagyrðingur

Magdalena Hansen

  • Yogateacher

Inga Höskuldsdóttir

  • Ceramic designer
  • Cabinetmaker
  • Model Maker

Grúb Grúb EHF

  • Radiobrodcast
  • Radio stasion

Bára Grímsdóttir

  • Sagnaþulur/Story writer

Jonina Aradottir

  • acoustic guitar
  • Producers
  • manager
  • Booker


  • .is lén fyrir alla
  • .is domain

Karl Newman

  • Editing, graphic design, cinematography, post-production

Fanney Kristjáns

  • professional artist
  • Singer/songwriter

Frank Westrus

  • One Man Think Tank

Páll Ivan frá Eiðum

Composer, musician, visual artist and strangeness expert.
  • composition
  • Playing instruments
  • Final Cut
  • Logic Pro X
  • silly painting
  • Ideas
  • Performance art
  • strangeness
  • PureData

Christopher Hickey

  • Visual Art & Design

Theodor Robert Konopatzki

passionate audiophile
  • dreaming

Finnur Torfi Gunnarsson

  • Analytics
  • Excel

Kristinn Ágústsson

  • Beatboxing
  • happiness

Tara Tjörvadóttir

Multimedia designer, photographer and a future documentary maker.
  • Multimedia Design

Hermann Hauksson

  • KR körfubolti

Bergþóra Einarsdóttir

  • poet-rapper-dancer

Vigfús Rafnsson

  • Ruthless Sith

Vadim Vik

  • Prose
  • literature
  • Melancholia

Jukka Piipari

  • Bass playing
  • mixing
  • Sound Engineering
  • Recording

Wayne Fielding

  • Pro Concert attendee

Íris Guðmundsdóttir

  • Singing/Songwriting

Patrick Jaberg

Mezzoforte - Fan
  • funky - jazzy music lover who used to try to play bass aeons ago.. LOL!

Hólmfríður Guðlaug Einarsdóttir

  • Gamifications
  • Web application development

Haraldur Gunnlaugsson

  • Music production

Arni Hilmarsson

  • Electrical

Addi Bomba

  • Liðugur

Þorgeir Frímann Óðinsson

  • Modular Synthesist

Mette Aakjær

Artistic Leader of Wunderland - interactive and sensory performances
  • Audience involvement
  • Perceptual interaction
  • Performning
  • Artistic leadership

Tinna Thorsteinsdottir

  • píanóleikari

Sara Vilardo

  • Maker
  • Dreamer of reality

Nanna Rosalia Sigaard

  • Concept development
  • Experience Design

Sonja Winckelmann Thomsen

I draw. And I write. I am also working in various fields of the digital media - interaction design, web universes and projects using cell phones.
  • Interaction Design

Víðir Rúnarsson

  • entrepreneurship

Ýmir Einarsson

  • DJ Artist

Tryggvi G Torfason

Born 1993, a multi talented artist and a great dancer
  • Creative Artist
  • Dancer

Max Naylor

Einn stofnenda Pylsugerðarinnar og áhugamaður um matreiðslu
  • British cuisine

George Vamvakousis

Dr Engineer of the University Paul Sabatier in Toulouse France, Machines manufacturer for the aluminium surface finishing Industry
  • overunity
  • free energy
  • Aluminium industry ALCOLOR machines maker

Asta Dís Jenna Ástud Ástráðsdóttir

!my name is Asta Dís.
  • medium
  • Sign language interpreter

Ann-Sofie Rokbøl

Electronic R'n'B artist based in Copenhagen.
  • entrepreneurship

Dagur Ólafsson

  • Italiano
  • Nerd
  • Trumpeting

Jesper Pedersen

  • Modular Synthesizers
  • Animated Notation
  • Sound Art

Christian Drabløs

  • Crowdfunding
  • Business Development
  • market analysis
  • underwater rugby

Chris Foster

  • Musician, artist, project co-ordinator

Kristin Larusdottir

  • electronic
  • folk
  • Chanting
  • Tæknimynjasafnið

Arnar Arinbjarnarson

  • Founding companies

Ösp Eldjárn

  • music educator
  • Composer

Rósa Bragadóttir

  • wordpress
  • PHP
  • Photojournalism

Helgi Hauksson

  • Photografing

Guðjón Eiriksson

  • Húsvörður

Bjarki Gudmundsson

  • Hreyfill
  • Tæknibrellur
  • Leiðbeinandi
  • Fyrirlesari

Emilie Dalum

  • Photographer and art curator

Björg Helen

  • Strength

galaxy glider

  • No free riders !

Lilja Þorsteinsdóttir

  • entrepreneurship
  • ecommerce
  • Baking sourdough

Andrea Ævarsdóttir

  • Mamma
  • Upplýsingafræðingur
  • Jógakennari
  • Göngugarpur

Þórarinn Leifsson

Pönkari, götumálari, skiltamálari, myndskreytir, vefsmiður, rithöfundur, fyrirlesari og loks leiðsögumaður um Ísland … / A punk, street painter, car decorator, illustrator, web designer, author of books, lecturer and finally a tour guide in the Icelandic highlands …
  • Leiðsögumaður
  • Illustrator

Ómar Másson

  • hönnunn

Ingvar Rafnsson

  • Teknisk Designer

Agusta Waage

  • Doctoring

Hjalti Ómarsson

  • Framkvæmdastjóri Retor fræðslu

Pálína Ásgeirsdóttir

  • sálfræðingur @
  • núvitundarkennari
  • vinnustreita, kulnun
  • samskiptavandi
  • kvíði, þunglyndi

Unnur Karlsdóttir

  • research, writing



Elíza Newman

  • Violin
  • ukulele
  • catwoman
  • daydreamer

Guðmundur Bergkvist

  • Kvikmyndatökumaður
  • Dagskrárframleiðandi
  • Klippari

Hlín Brynjólfsdóttir

  • Ronja Ræningjadóttir

Rúna Kristín Sigurðardóttir

Markaðsstjóri Pure Natura - fæðubætiefni úr íslenskum matvælum
  • M.Sc. in International Business Administration
  • International Business
  • Pioneer

Elísabet Ólafsdóttir


Aljaz Gluhar

  • Start-ups
  • Crowdfunding
  • hemp
  • mma

Katja Locke

  • Watching

Hjortur Gretarsson

  • pantar pizzur

Kristján Frímann Kristjánsson

  • Artist, Filmmaker, Writer

Liima Inui

Icelandic/Greenlandic Band
  • Composer, Musician
  • Drums
  • Music-producer
  • writing lyrics
  • Crowdfunding
  • crowd funding


electronic engineer
  • electonics
  • electrological
  • inventions
  • free energy
  • Tesla Physics

Manolis Manolas

Electrical Engineer
  • Buildings Energy Inspector
  • Computer Engineer
  • co-creator

Guðmundur Hreinsson

Gaman að skapa
  • construction architect
  • carpenter

Anna Atladóttir

  • Four Languages

Jóhanna Kristín Jónsdóttir

Icelandic, soon to become Cultural manager - A dancer at heart, loves singing, painting and working with creative people
  • communicating
  • choir

Thora Karlsdottir

  • Art performance
  • Video Art

Magnús Gíslason

  • Chess
  • Retired
  • Political Science

Garðar Árni Garðarsson

  • Leadership
  • politics

Johann Thorsson

  • Handsprengjumálun

Bernharð Aðalsteinsson

  • 3D
  • 3d Animation
  • 2d Animation

Ari Knorr

  • 3D
  • Master of Arts - 3d Computer Animation

Erpur Eyvindsson

  • musician, performer, radio- host, tv-host, brand, comic, master of ceremony, writer, poet, artist, guide, connoisseur of rum and cigars, journalist, traveller, etc, etc.

Fannar Traustason

  • 3D Rendering
  • Animation Pipeline
  • 3D
  • 3d Animation

Halldór Bragason

  • 3D
  • 3d Animation
  • 2d Animation

Alberto Garcia

  • Fulldome

Lára Borg Lárusdóttir

My name is Lára Borg and I am the CEO of Moon Chocolate. My passion is chocolate and travelling around the world.
  • Chocolate

Kiko Bala

  • Film director
  • Cartoonist

Petur Asgeirsson

  • smáforrita forritari

Páll Gestsson

  • managment

Sigríður Lára Sigurjónsdóttir

Publisher at Bókstafur in Egilsstaðir
  • translator

Guðni Már Harðarson

  • treasurer
  • volunteer

Kári Gylfason

  • Trésmiður

Betty Wahl

  • literary translator, university lecturer

Ellen Girardeau Kempler

  • writing, editing, marketing, branding, social media training and strategy, visioning

Þóra Guðmundsdóttir

  • nestbuilding
  • writes

Bergþór Smári Pálmason

A singer-songwriter aspiring to become a full time musician
  • Artistic
  • Open-Mindedness

Lilja Oddsdottir

  • Red Planetary Skywalker

Henrik Jepsen

  • Pancakes

Bjarni Rúnar Heimisson

  • Computer Scientist (B.Sc.)
  • Engineering

Benedikt Gestsson

  • assisting executive manager, plays guitar and piano

IngaJóna Óskarsdóttir

  • bookkeeping
  • Accounts

Lisa McMaster

  • viola player and singer

Anna Kristín Daníelsdóttir

  • Breki CFC syndrome

Saga Sigríðardóttir

  • Interior Designer

Siggi Harðar

  • environmental management
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Quality Management
  • Management system audits

Omar Vagn Snævarsson

  • wery talenfull ,, and those that follow will follow

Olèna Simon

  • singer & producer

Vilborg Carlsdottir

  • Sjúklega hress og brosmild!

elsa waage

  • singing, teaching, acting and guiding tours

Árni Kristjánsson

Artist from Iceland.
  • Rapping
  • Beatmaking

Katla Ísaksdóttir

  • weirdbeliever of crazyfaith

Arna Þórdís Árnadóttir

  • politics
  • Developmental studies
  • International Relations

'Olafur Jónsson

Gitarplayer in Drangey
  • Gitarplayer
  • Humorist
  • Small Viking
  • Food & Beer lover

Tomas Thrainsson

Guitar player in Drangey
  • song writer
  • Carpentry
  • renovation
  • Wood evaluation
  • article writing
  • music composer
  • Fork lift driver

Ingi Gunnarsson

  • Bass player Drangey

Halldór Eldjárn

  • iOS Programming

Greta Salóme

  • artist, violin, singer, music, album,

Hafthor Axel Einarsson

Personally, I have considerable experience of commercialism, and then my skills in that area outlined in the attached CV. Experience of warehouse work
  • Hönnun á Snjallforriti

Kjartan Sigurðsson

  • 3D SolidWorks
  • CSS3
  • UX Design
  • UI Design
  • HTML5
  • Sound Engineer
  • location finder
  • JavaScript

Halldór Jónssn

Ég hef komið víða við, verið bóndi, sjómaður, ekið flutningabílum, vörubílum, rútum og núna er ég leigubílstjóri.
  • HGV driver

The Travelling Embassy of Rockall

A physical platform for discussion and exploration of a better future.
  • connecting
  • provoking
  • exploring
  • satire
  • yoga
  • improvisation
  • failing
  • daring
  • sketching

Hugrún Jónsdóttir

  • Ethics
  • Public policy
  • Urban health
  • regenerative sustainability
  • Reporting
  • Experiential Arts

Adriana Pacheco

  • Organizer, cross-disciplinary designer, media and visual arts explorer

Johanna Seelemann

  • Contextual Design
  • Concept
  • Product Design
  • Process Documentation

Arty Mayfair

Experimental russian musician & singer
  • writting

Magnus R. Einarsson

  • músíkant
  • textasmiður

Lemke Meijer

  • Interaction Design
  • Concept Design
  • campaign design

Uta Reichardt

German Geographer that moved to Reykjavik to combine science and art. Helping Rockall to get interesting people to talk about interesting stuff.
  • scientific communication
  • organization
  • information finder

Steinn Linnet

Poet and writer, currently living in Frederiksberg, Denmark.
  • Rapping

Jónas Björgvinsson

  • Recording
  • studio

Bjarni Sigurðsson

I´m going to run a half marathon with my wife in wheelchair, in Reykjarvik marathon 2017
  • charity runner

Serafim Holm

  • Yogateacher
  • Projectleader

Ólafur Kr. Ólafsson

  • ukulele
  • Internet marketing
  • Leitarvélabestun

Hannes Valsson

Aðalbókari Mekano ehf. / Chief Accountant at Mekano ltd.
  • Corporate Finance
  • financial management
  • financial planing
  • Ukuleleplayer
  • Translater Swedish

Mina Tomic

  • Performance and Visual Artist and Thinker. On the board of "The Travelling Embassy of Rockall".

Freyr Þorvaldsson

  • Front end development
  • Bizness Stöff

Ragnheiður Gróa Hafsteinsdóttir

  • Leikskólakennari
  • garðyrkjukona
  • Handavinnukona
  • Meðstjórnandi í Dýraverndunarfélaginu Villikettir

Anita Fevang

  • Child/teen behavour and development.
  • Sociology: relationships
  • Children
  • HR Management
  • Trauma based care

Roar Kvam

  • Conductor
  • Music Engraver

Dominique Lameule

music lover
  • Dj
  • Icelandic Music
  • Event Manager
  • music promoter

Matthieu Ranc

  • Party marathoning

linda stefansdottir

  • lightweaver
  • Light Weaver

Huni Hunfjord

  • Film Editing
  • Serial Entreprenuer
  • post production
  • Lua Programming

James Abell

  • bowhunting
  • 3d graphics
  • 3ds Max
  • 3D printing
  • lasercutting
  • science fiction
  • visualisation
  • Concept
  • maker technology
  • FabLab
  • Sculpture

Ragnar Ólafsson

I am a musician living in Reykjavík, Iceland.
  • song writer

Samuele Bozzoni

  • Labour law
  • Social inclusion
  • Partecipative communities
  • Collaborative ideas
  • open innovation
  • People engagement
  • Cooperation
  • Change management
  • Start-ups
  • Italian language

María Árnadóttir

  • myndskreytari

Ragna Erlendsdottir

  • hairdresser
  • carer

Kari Gunnarsson

  • Markþjálfun
  • Mannvist
  • Skipulag
  • Stefnumörkun
  • Gagnasafnshönnun
  • Landfræði
  • Fyrirtækjamenning
  • Þátttaka almennings

Emma Holm

  • Enjoying life/loving life

Erlend Tellnes

  • Environmentalist
  • campaigning
  • sailor

Eva Þyri Hilmarsdóttir

  • Classical Pianist

Daniel Danielsson

  • Tourism
  • Football
  • Disc Golf

Truls Gulowsen

  • Miljøvern

Ívar Helgason

  • Singer, songwriter, actor, dancer and some other things ;-)

Anna Valdís Kro

Kindergarten teacher and writer from Iceland. Treasurer, writes press releases, hosts events, PR person and member of BOD and EB of Ós pressan since 2015.
  • translater
  • workshop facilitator

Arnaldur Grétarsson

  • One charming mf

Fran Ayllón

The humanist ideal and the artisan spirit: the skills you see in my list are NOT mine, they are skills of YOURS I hope to muster.
  • Calligraphy
  • social enterpreneurship
  • Knitter
  • the arts
  • documentarist

Torgeir Vestre

  • Environmentalist


  • multi tasking

Dagný Halla Ágústsdóttir

Íslenskur tónlistarmaður, hljóðfæraleikari, tónsmiður og textahöfundur.
  • instrumentalist
  • Accompanist

Mari Seilskjær

  • climate law
  • Refugee Law
  • Advocacy

Tristan Gribbin

  • Meditation Teacher
  • Founder

Greppur Torfason

Analytic Philosopher
  • Logic
  • Epistemology


Icelandic Sound Artist. Singer/Songwriter. Eerie.
  • Song composer
  • Harmonizing
  • Multi instrumentalist/Vocalist

Ingvar Thordarson

  • singing...

Birgitta Steingrímsdóttir

Co-creator of FUGLAFÁR, bird enthusiastic, biologist, dancer and spotlight operator.
  • Twerking
  • Biology
  • Environmental Science

Heiðdís Inga Hilmarsdóttir

Co-creator of FUGLAFÁR, bird whisperer, product designer, 1/2 of a DJ duo and spotlight operator.
  • Product Design

Michael Tsironis

  • Playing guitar

Þórólfur Sigurðsson

  • Producer at Saga Fest
  • farrier

Hugrún Fjóla Hafsteinsdóttir

Fjóla is a singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist from Iceland who delivers the sound current with an angelic, crystalline and soul-moving voice that goes straight to the heart. She weaves her sound to create a deep and heartfelt tapestry of peaceful and loving transformation.
  • Yoga Teacher
  • Multi-instrumentalist
  • Mathematician

Geir Hardarson

  • Computers
  • Biking

philip bridle

  • Goldsmith

tushar dhaygude

  • programming, consulting

Sindri Smárason

  • Cheesemaking

Jón Egill Hafsteinsson

I'm Jón and I am the HR & PR manager at Bad Melody.
  • Leadership
  • human resources
  • funny

Örn Ingólfsson

  • Tánaglasérfræðingur

Ari Baldursson

  • Computer science and programming
  • Electronics

Rob Cochran

  • Designing Universes
  • Inventing job titles
  • Folding towels
  • Other stuff

Björgvin Kristinsson

CEO & founder at
  • Aurorahunter
  • nice person
  • Explorer
  • law interester

Gracia Tobing

A being who's expecting serendipitous moment along her works.
  • Video Poet

Orange 'Ear

  • Videographer
  • musicvideo
  • concert recordings

Sigurjon Sigurdsson

  • Talking to ravens

Birkir Sigurjónsson

Production Coordinator at 23 Frames
  • Production Coordinator
  • Event Hosting

Gísli Baldvinsson

  • Stjórnmálafræðingur

Vanessa Falle

  • Textile artist

Maria Henningsson

  • photographing, drawing

Sophie Haack

  • Publication
  • exhibition design
  • Design Activism
  • Concept development

Morgane PARMA
  • Visual communication design
  • Video

Tomas Vikingsson

Icelandic Entertainment Artist and Producer
  • Storyboarding
  • Voice Acting

Aðalheiður Sigríður Eysteinsdóttir

Artist and culture creator
  • Curating

William Marriott

Curator and artist, based in London
  • Curating
  • Fine art
  • Photoshopping

Jónína Bjarnadóttir

Studying Film Technology
  • Film Technology

Javier Fernández Valiño

Javier Fernández Valiño ,28/11/1991 professional Dancer, Dj and Image and Sound Engineer, born in Alcorcón (Madrid) from Galician Family.
  • Image and Sound Engineer
  • Film maker
  • Coreographer
  • Professional Dancer
  • Audio and Vídeo Editor
  • Dj

Ade Brown

  • Watching

Alfreð Behrend

Ágætis eintak af manneskju sem leggur sig fram í að hjálpa öðrum og vera ánægður með lífið og tilveruna.
  • Truck driver
  • Hunter
  • Hard worker
  • Dreamer
  • vigilante by night
  • Heavy mashine operator
  • Peoples persone
  • Expert marksman
  • nice person
  • Helper

Lilja Katrín Gunnarsdóttir
  • Copy Writer

Thor Aspelund

  • Statistics

Unnur Jónsdóttir

  • Premiere Pro
  • Final Cut X
  • DaVinci Resolve
  • Set Designer
  • Film Producer
  • Writer (Film)

Esther Gunnarsdóttir

  • Höfundur
  • Umbrot

Helga Kolbeinsdóttir

Grunnskólakennari, búsett á Akureyri. Söngkona
  • Söngkona

Fjalar Sigurðarson

  • PR
  • Tech Marketing
  • Investor presentations

Jannik Broz

  • Drawing, head of Tegnefestival (drawing festival Denmark)

Jón Hilmar Kárason

Ég er gítarleikari og kennari en segi aldrei nei við ögrandi verkefnum og ef þau koma ekki bý ég þau til. Ég hef búið til sjónvarpsþætti, fyrirlestra, 2020 Leiðir á Youtube og haldið allskonar námskeið og tónleika. Fyrir utan það er ég bara landsbyggðartútta með frestunaráráttu.
  • Guitarist
  • Online guitar teacher

Stefán Baldursson

stage director - leikstjóri
  • Stage director

Ólafur Jónsson

  • Ólafur Jonsson

Vaughan Williams

  • i can make cool stuff and I've just had an idea

Svavar Björgvinsson

  • board games
  • Manufacturing
  • Game development
  • International Branding
  • Networking
  • Start-ups

Kate Elliott

  • falling and missing the ground
  • Rabble rousing
  • Geek stuff
  • IT Service and Support
  • Technical Writing/Documentation

Renate de Boer

  • Archaeology

Justyna Irena Wilczynska

  • music journalism

Benedikt Benediktsson

Ævintýragjarn drengur sem vill breyta heiminum til hins betra með einu skrefi í einu
  • BMX
  • Crossfit
  • Motocross
  • Smiling

Guðmundur Norðdahl

  • Musician music teacher conductor composer

Andri Kjartan

  • Comic book artist

Bent Kingo Andersen

Production Manager at 23 Frames
  • Production Manager
  • Stuntman
  • Location Manager

Eva Björk Valdimarsdóttir

prestur í Keflavíkurkirkja
  • preaching

Vivian Ólafsdóttir

Actress & model
  • Actress

Ragna Eiríksdóttir

  • í hverju ertu?

Helga Ingimundardóttir

  • PhD
  • Research Scientist
  • Engineering
  • Statistics
  • crocheting
  • Tatting

Behind the Scenes

Young and ambitious collective of directors, producers, actors, photographer and business administrators.
  • Professional Service
  • Photographic Service
  • Broadcasting & Media Production
  • Production Service
  • Short-Films
  • Music Videos
  • Financing
  • Broadcasting
  • Lightroom
  • Equipment
  • Outdoors Photography
  • Studio Photography

Berglind Bjartmarsdóttir

Set designer & wardrobe
  • Set Designer
  • Wardrobe

Annie Langlois

  • Biologist, wildlife and music lover

Aaron Ward

  • Craft Service Snackmaster...

Börkur Hrafn Birgisson

Gítarleikari, tónskáld og lagahöfundur
  • Gítarleikari
  • Upptökustjóri

Steinunn Ragnarsdóttir

Óperustjóri/ Artistic and General director of the Icelandic Opera
  • Pianóleikari/Pianist

Loa Dis

  • Mamma
  • DIY master áhugamaður

Manuel Plasencia Gutierrez

  • Engineering
  • chemistry
  • wine making
  • Kombucha brewer

Ragnar Kristjánsson

  • Project Manager and Designer

.. ..

  • Handverk

Andrés Úlfur Helguson

Ég hef alla tíð verið umkringdur list og listafólki sem hefur alltaf verið mikilvægur hluti af mínu lífi...
  • Anthropologist
  • Mountaineer
  • Collector

Laila Sæunn Pétursdóttir

  • Internet marketing
  • PR

Holger P Hólmarsson

  • Problem solver

Katrín Helga Andrésdóttir

Katrín Helga stundar nám í myndlist við Listaháskóla Íslands og er í hljómsveitunum Reykjavíkurdætur, Hljómsveitt og Sóley
  • gitar
  • texti

Árni Þór Sigurðsson

  • politics
  • Genealogy
  • Diplomacy
  • International Relations
  • Academic

Jeffrey Romig

  • tæknifræðingur

Tanja Jänicke

  • developing
  • tutor
  • Crowdfunding

Mariken Lauvstad

In a longlasting and passionate relationship with theatre
  • Theatre director

Martin Zinck

  • Drummer
  • IT Consultant

Mark Steiner

  • Musician / Artist / Producer

Ólína Gunnlaugsdóttir

  • Playing guitar
  • Making lyrics
  • Making music
  • writing poems

Elín Þorgeirsdóttir

  • Project manager

Rakel Björnsdóttir

  • Söfnun
  • Fatatæknir

Stefán Máni Sigþórsson

  • Author -

Helgi Pálsson

Einn af söngvurum stormsveitarinnar
  • Trompet playing

Egill Egilsson

Industrial Designer, MBA
  • SolidWorks
  • Product Development

Biggi Hilmars

  • Sound Design

Ragnar Garðarsson

  • Language learning
  • Language teaching

Matthew Brooks

  • Matt Matt Matt Matt Matt Matt

Helgi Georgsson

  • Keyboardist

Aron Ágústsson

  • Performance art

Birgir Þórisson

  • Keyboarding
  • Playing the piano

Sigríður Ævarsdóttir

Võruþróunarstjóri Pure Natura -fæðubót úr íslenskum matvælum
  • jarðmóðir
  • jarðtenging
  • heilsuefling
  • næringarfræði
  • grasa og náttúrufræði
  • Bóndi

Márton Wirth

  • Composer

Elsa G. Björnsdóttir

A deaf filmmaker from Iceland
  • Actress

Hanna Dóra Hólm Másdóttir

  • Happyness
  • Curiosity

Hljómsveitin Kólga

Kólga leikur órafmagnaða alþýðutónlist (e. folk music) - bæði frumsamið efni sem og eigin útsetningar á annara lögum.
  • playing musical instrument
  • Lyrics
  • galdur

Dísa Andersen

Íslensk leik og söngkona. Icelandic actress and singer trained at Arts University Bournemouth.
  • Jazz singing

Vala Olsen

You got to start somewhere
  • Sleeping 12 hours a day for a week

Hilmar Ægisson

  • Stage Management

Sophie Nicholls

  • Metal work
  • Prop making
  • Carpentry

Berglind Berghreinsdóttir

  • Handavinna, garðyrkja , hönnun, breyta því sem þarf að breytast.
  • Með-Stofnandi Samtakanna Verndum veika og aldraða,aðgerðasinni, fyrrverandi aðstandandi heilabilunarsjúklings, stofnandi facebooksíðunnar Verndum veika og aldraða..

Linnea Hellström

Vegan chef from Sweden with a passion for veganæsing every food she sees and everyone she meets
  • Vegan chef
  • Veganæser

Valborg Sturludóttir

  • forritari
  • Kennari
  • föndrari

Sigurður Hrafn Þorkelsson

Creative Director and founder of Lýðveldið
  • Interaction Design
  • UX Design
  • UI Design
  • Front-End Development
  • Drupal
  • Online Branding
  • Information Architecture
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Web application development
  • Art Direction

Ástrós Guðjónsdóttir

21 year, Dance artist, Reykjavík.
  • Dancer
  • dance teacher
  • Performer

Kari Vig Petersen

23 year, Dance Artist, Reykjavik
  • Dancer

Erna Gunnarsdóttir

22, dancer and artist. Reykjavík
  • Dancer
  • Performer

Rita Maria Farias Munoz

22 years, Dance Artist, Reykjavík.
  • Dancer
  • Performer

Yelena Arakelow

23, Dance Artist, Reykjavik
  • Dancer
  • REALcollective

Abdul Azim

  • Assignment Writing
  • Online Assignment Help Services

Guðmundur Jón Halldórsson

  • IT Operations
  • Gamifications
  • Datawarehouse
  • Windows Azure
  • Computer Scientist (B.Sc.)
  • SQL
  • Python
  • Medical Devices

Ahmed Khan

  • Essay Writing
  • Online Essay Writing Help
  • Essay Writing Assistance

Sigurjón Garðarsson

  • Brewing
  • compositing
  • VFX Supervising

Steindór Halldórsson

  • Hugmyndasmíði
  • Graphic Designer
  • Writer of children's and educational books
  • Promt Engineer
  • Counselor
  • Electronic digital artist
  • Investigative journalism interest

Harpa Hallgrimsdottir

30 ára jógakennari frá Grindavík. Ég elska að kenna, náttúruna, börn og góða bók. Ég þrái að leyfa öðrum að finna þá orku og frið sem jóga gaf mér.
  • aerial yoga
  • Kundalini Yoga
  • hatha yoga
  • Yoga for kids

Bjorgvin Oskarsson

Managing Broker @
  • Business analysis
  • Systems Analysis
  • Prjoect management
  • CRM
  • Real Estate
  • International marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • LinkedIn
  • Google AdWords
  • Google Analytics
  • Management Marketing
  • Company Valuation
  • Strategy
  • Financing
  • Evaluations
  • Start-ups
  • Team building
  • Business Plan development
  • Marketing plan
  • Business Broker
  • M&A Adivsory
  • Commercial Real Estate

Helgi Sveinsson

  • Brewing
  • Mead Making

Iceland Sync Management

Umboðsfyrirtæki, tónleikahaldari og allt tengt tónlist.
  • Tónlist

Paula Boyd

  • Artist | Designer | Writer

Usman Khan

Share Desk is an office where you can start your own business and pay less, gain more and share a desk. <a href="">Shared Office Space</a> we have a Coworking space that is OK with you. No typical office environment like other offices.
  • coworking

Tobias Seeliger

Photographer from Berlin
  • Photojournalism
  • art photographer

Egill Sæbjörnsson

Perfume making for the Icelandic Pavilion 57th Venice Biennale 2017
  • Making Art
  • Icelandic Pavilion
  • Venice Biennale

Sigríður Erla Viðarsdóttir

  • Ritstjórnar- og útgáfunemi í Háskóla Íslands

Dagmar Vala Hjörleifsdóttir

  • veterinary surgion

Guðrún Ósk Sigurjónsdóttir

Industrial engineer (business administration) but work in marketing. My hobby have always been drawing (and painting) and i´m self self taught in most thing i do and thing passion and experience is key for developement of talent.
  • Creativity
  • industrial engineer

Örn Úlriksson

  • writer, poet

Lúðrasveitin Svanur

  • Lúðrasveit, wind band

Dóra (Halldóra Guðbjörg) Sigtryggsdóttir

Grindvískur Sandgerðingur ættuð frá Öxarfirði ... ætli það segi ekki allt sem segja þarf ;) Er annars kennari í námsleyfi og er að fikra mig áfram í listinni ... leirlistinni.
  • Leirlistasmiður

Nancy Schumann

  • translator

Marta Sigríður Pétursdóttir

Menningar- og kynjafræðingur
  • Gender studies
  • Cultural Studies

Sólveig Kristjánsdóttir

  • Label management

Henry Flynn

  • Professional Writer

Ísak Jónsson

Ég hef töluverða reynslu úr kvikmyndabransanum, vann í fjölda ára sem klippari á sjónvarpsstöðvum, SkjárSport og RÚV. Hef einnig unnið við bíómyndir og sjónvarpsþætti sem klippari, og DIT. Má þar nefna Gauragang, Svartur á leik, Andaðu eðlilega, Ég man þig, Ligeglad og Víti í Vestmannaeyjum.
  • Cameraman
  • App designer
  • Photoshop
  • Editor
  • DIT

Guðmundur Magnússon

  • Kvikmyndagerðamaður
  • Sagnfræðingur

Þórey Einarsdóttir

  • Stofnandi KÚRZ
  • Mamma&stjúpmamma

Elvar Egilsson

  • Film / Photography

Kristína Berman

  • Belly dancer, organizer, textile designer

Alexandra Chernyshova

  • söngkona og tónskald

Anna G. Torfadottir

  • Myndlistarmaður - Visual Artist

Evgenia Chernyshova

  • Grand mother
  • Pedagogy

Emilia Dungal

hi everybody!
  • tattooing
  • Creativity
  • Help people

Sunna Sól

  • Beeing a brat

Johann Olafsson

Jói og Thea konan hans reka fyrirtæki sem býður úrvals dans og jóga kennslu/Joi and his wife Thea offer first class dance and yoga classes.
  • voice
  • Dancer
  • promotion manager
  • yoga

Benedikt Björnsson

  • Gardening
  • a dad

Branex USA

  • website design

Sigurjón Ari Sigurjónsson

  • Sigurjón Ari Sigurjónsson

Peter Hanlon

  • Filmmaker

Sophia Andrews

  • Assignment

John Rogers

Artist, journalist, writer.
  • Many superpowers

mattia pagin

  • waitingtodie

Einar Valur

  • Cartoons
  • Storyboards
  • Script editing

essay writing service

Are you looking for a <a
  • writing and reading

Aldís Dagmar Erlingsdóttir Svarkur

Graphic designer and project manager
  • HTML
  • css
  • project managing
  • event managing
  • Event production
  • Art production
  • Sculpture
  • Installation
  • Video
  • Art Direction

Nenty Bertelsen

  • Iceland Travel Expert
  • Indonesia-Iceland Travel Expert

Rúnar Sigurbjörnsson

Director and screenwriter.
  • Screenwriting

Florence Willburn

  • writing,reading

Lela Naifeh

  • apple app development
  • apple iphone apps

Alexandre Gonçalves

  • Guitar Wizard

Helgi Jean

  • Fabulous

Spiros Pliatsikas

  • Dj/party promoter

Sherry Dobbin

  • Believer

Henri Laupmaa

  • infographics

Gísli Svavarsson

  • Front-End Development
  • css
  • JavaScript

Þorgrímur Pétursson

  • Songwriter, guitarplayer

Örn Tönsberg

  • Veganæser

Freya Henderson

  • writing,reading

Mollie Grant

  • Reading, writing

Hrefna S. Bjartmarsdóttir

  • Chairman of Historical Society Steini
  • Ethnologist

Agusta Jonsdottir

Desginer and entreprenur
  • Knitting designer
  • Business Development
  • Marketer
  • Knitter

Arna Sigrún Haraldsdóttir

  • Fashion designer and MBA. I work in marketing.

Sandra Björk

  • hvað í pabbanum

Sverrir Sædal Kristjánsson

  • listamaður
  • Ljóðskáld

muneeb siddiqui

Muneeb is a web brand strategist from Dubai. Currently he is associated with branex - A digital design & marketing Agency in all across UAE.
  • Corporate Branding

aby rock

  • houseboat
  • Tourism
  • packages

Bjartur Blær

  • Hæfileikaríkur
  • a good heart

Hrund Þrándardóttir

  • Sálfræðingur
  • Sálstofan

Margrét Birna Þórarinsdóttir

  • Sálfræðingur
  • Sálstofan

leonae gonzales

Professional writer
  • writing skill

Björn Á. Magnússon

  • photograph
  • history

Grétar Einarsson


Andy Roe

  • Tomato Guru

Dave Leena

  • Assignment helper
  • Assignment Assistance

Anton kramer

Leikstjóri, Framleiðandi, Tökumaður, Auglysingar, Imagefilm og Bioframleiðandi
  • Directing, Producing, Writing

william smith

  • dissertation Writing

Kjartan Ingvason

  • harmonica
  • vocals

María Ólafsdóttir

  • Content Marketing

Sarah Emi

Sarah, A qualified, motivated and confident Designer
  • logo designing

Benjamin Sigurgeirsson

  • Data Analysis
  • teaching

Jennifer Judy

  • Do My Essays

Jósep Gíslason

  • tónsmíðar
  • hljómborðsleikur
  • píanókennsla
  • leiðsögn

Flora John

  • Dissertation Help UK

Rebecca Newman

UK Expert Custom Essays Writers at
  • Essay Writing

Sveinn Guðmundsson

  • Syngur og spilar

Rotimi Oladapo

  • Programming, Writing, Training
  • WebDevelopment
  • C,Java,C++,AngularJs,MySql

Margrét Einarsdóttir Long

  • Makes mistakes
  • Ideas

arnar þor

  • signing

Sóley Stefánsdóttir

Grafískur hönnuður og heilsumarkþjálfi / Graphic Designer and a health Coach. Sjá nánar/further info: - Hafðu samband ef þú vilt kíkja til mín og skoða verkin. Take contact if you want to visit and look at my work :
  • Grafískur hönnuður
  • Heilsumarkþjálfi
  • Jógakennari

Sigurður Guðjónsson

  • burlesque
  • Boylesque
  • Make-up Artist

Hálfdan Lárus Pedersen

  • Production Design

Ragnheiður Ólafsdóttir

  • Massaging
  • Bartending

Georg Jónasson

  • painting, designing

magnea örvarsdóttir

Tónlistarviðburður með 5 íslenskum hip hop listamönnum í London. Hoxton Square 12.okt
  • jornalist, translator, artist, designer, maverick
  • Depends on day, weather, and mood..
  • multitasker, limitless, responsible

Jóhann Ágústsson

  • consulting
  • executive manager
  • entrepreneur

Olivia Cook

I am offering consultancy of Online Universities in Dubai/UAE
  • Online Universities
  • Consultant of Online Universities

Larry John
  • Fitness
  • Body Building
  • Gym

Verónika Elvarsdóttir

  • Short story making.
  • Bracelet making.

Marie Cue

  • writing, editing

Erla Guðmundadóttir


Tomas Steindorsson

  • Dj
  • Bodyguard

Jessica Morgan

I am Jessica, a digital marketing expert at TaskQue.
  • Home improvement

Margrét Svava Jónsdóttir

  • Blísturs meistari

Sigrún Edda Halldórsdóttir

  • Equestrian scientist

Pascal Lehner

  • Projectmanagement
  • Switzerland

Sara Blandon

  • polyglot
  • Humorist

Axel Orri Sigurðsson

  • Stúdentspróf
  • Burtfararpróf skipstjórn


  • band
  • íslensk hljómsveit
  • Icelandic Music
  • gitar
  • Indie

Ester Ásgeirsdóttir

  • Wonderwoman
  • Strategic Management

Ragnheiður María

  • hljómborð
  • Lagasmíðar

john bright

John Bright is a professional web designer and is experienced in offering high quality solutions to his clientele in everything related to web designi

Jón Bergmann

  • Superpowers

Daníel Jónsson

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • UI Design
  • SQL
  • Book Cover Design

Sæmundur Ámundason

  • Tourism
  • Start-ups
  • Finances
  • Business analysis
  • Slow Living
  • Slow Travel
  • sensible
  • positive

Anaïs Barthe

Graphic Designer
  • Editorial design

Essay Plus

  • Educational Services

ray smith

  • writing,

Una Torfadóttir

  • Tónlistarkona

Lóa Björnsdóttir

  • Sviðslistakona

Jessica John

  • Online Teaching
  • Instructor

Sara Canaday

  • Writers, Research, Reading

Þorlákur Lúðvíksson

  • Optimistic realistic humanist

Martina F.Kartelo

  • theater actress, conceptual performer and innovative educator and transformator

Anna Margrét Skúladóttir

Anna Margrét lauk BA námi í Sálfræði frá Háskólanum á Akureyri 2007, síðar frá Árósar Háskóla Cand. Psych meistara námi í Sálfræði 2010 og í PhD nám við Kaupmannahafnar Háskóla. Hún hefur lagt rækt við Núvitund (Mindfulness) frá 2002, þar sem hún byrjaði að læra frá MiCBT stofnunin í Melbourne.
  • Mindfulness, Psychology, Happiness, Health, Mindful Eating, Mindful Living, Yoga, Life skills, Organizing, Planning, Presence, Being you in your life with your life.
  • Sálfræði, Mindfulness, Hugleiðsla, Uppbygging, Jafnvægi, Mindful Eating, Skipulag, Sammkennd og heilbrigði

Guðmundur Karl Karlsson

  • Mannréttindi
  • Barnasáttmáli sameinuðuþjóðana

tuans tuans


Arndís Kjartansdóttir

  • IT specialist
  • Microsoft certified professional
  • IT Service and Support
  • Preschool teacher

Olga Ósk Ellertsdóttir

  • Social Media Marketing
  • Business strategies
  • art directing
  • Brand management
  • entrepreneurship
  • consumer behavior
  • Information Technology (IT)

Eleanor Young

  • developing


  • Lyricist
  • HTML

Joseph Oneil

  • Professional writing

Tinna Jokulsdottir

  • Scientist
  • cook
  • Mother

Yelena Hopper

  • Essay Writing
  • essay help

Hafþór Ragnarsson

  • Getur raddað sjálfan sig

Guðný Sara Birgisdóttir

24 ára nemi á þriðjá ári í myndlist í Listaháskóla Íslands.
  • Artist/illustrator

Haraldur Haraldsson

  • Care for elderly

Casey Floyd

I’m working as an academic consultant at Global Assignment Help Australia. I have been providing assignment help to Aussie scholars for more than 5 years. I hold exceptional writing skills and assist the scholars in assignment writing tasks.
  • Education Consultant

Elfar Þór Guðbjartsson

  • Writer/Director/Actor

Diana Divileková

  • nature
  • animal lover
  • Raptors

Aus Assignment Help

  • Assignment Writing

Larus Jonsson

  • Co-Owner Republik

Erika Thompson

Hey, I am Erika Thompson and I am an accountant in Patio Company.
  • Accounts

Einar Ragnar Haraldsson

  • Áhuga ljósmyndari

Val Petursson

  • Guitarmaster

Jón Örvar G. Jónsson

Stofnandi og eigandi Bone & Marrow ehf. Doktorsnemi í Umhverfis- og Auðlindafræði við Háskóla Íslands.
  • Food
  • Sustainability
  • Ecological Economics
  • Ecosystem Services
  • Agriculture

Alex Tafjord

  • film scoring
  • graphical designer
  • Music producer

Birkir Guðsteinsson

  • Wordpress Genius
  • Business Minded

Ruta Danyte

  • Strategy
  • identity
  • community development
  • goal setting
  • Ideation
  • Design Thinking
  • Copywriting
  • Growth Process
  • Online Presence
  • instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • twitter
  • facebook
  • wordpress
  • Squarespace
  • Email Marketing
  • Marketing Automation
  • Content Marketing
  • Google Analytics
  • Reputation Management
  • International marketing
  • Awareness
  • Reflection
  • Biohacking
  • Interviews
  • Agile
  • LEAN
  • Kanban
  • Growth Hacking
  • open innovation
  • social innovation
  • crowdsourcing
  • Crowdfunding
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Social Enterprise
  • peoples person
  • Start-ups
  • UX
  • Web Analytics
  • editorial
  • presentation
  • Copy editing
  • Lithuanian
  • Irish

Martyna Karolina Daniel

Cinematographer and Editor
  • Leadership

Sophia Addison

  • college essay writing
  • assignment help online

Friðrika Stefánsdóttir

  • polyglot
  • Married with children

Lina Batov

Co-director & Curator at Listastofan
  • Audiovisual researcher
  • Co-director at Listastofan

Franck Alba

  • Staying up late

Mike England

  • Inventing

Jonas Tryggvason

  • International Relations
  • Cultural differences

Elwira Wójtowicz

  • love cats
  • Cats
  • Accountant

The Henry Harry Show

Icelandic rock band.
  • rock

Martina Mauer

  • Werbeexperte
  • SEO-Spezialist

Auður Aðalsteinsdóttir

  • Útgefandi hjá Ástríki útgáfu

Björk Harðar

Stofnandi og eigandi Bone&Marrow ehf
  • Food
  • Agriculture
  • Sustainability

Roll BlissGi

  • Manufacturer

Ragnar Bollason

  • props
  • screen writing
  • Assistant director
  • Film director
  • Film Student
  • Short films
  • Make-up

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  • Cheap VPN Service
  • Buy VPN Services

Home care assistance fort worth

Home Care Assistance Fort Worth offers seniors the opportunity to age in place. Our mission is to help seniors to live the quality of life they deserve.
  • senior care

Mörður "Moli" Gunnarsson Ottesen

Moli is a ecosocial activist and designer that seeks solutions for world problems and how to implement them in simple ways that are accessible to people.
  • Frumkvöðull / Pioneer
  • Permaculture designer / Vistræktarhönnuður

Jóhann Pálsson

Viðskipta og tölvunarfræði nemi við Háskólann í Reykjavík. Meðstofnandi Qpons ehf.
  • Inbound Marketing
  • Business Development

Selma Ragnarsdóttir

  • Patter making
  • Tailoring

Dissertation Corp

  • Dissertation Writing Service
  • disertation writing online

Ragnhildur Veigarsdóttir

  • Performer
  • arranger

Rihan Khan

With more than 2500+ clients and over 10 years of experience we have gained market position and have learnt to make our clients happy and satisfied. We have served our clients the best and are working hard to be at the best. Feel free to contact us and visit our portfolio. We will be happy to serve
  • website design

Emil Ólafsson

  • Hjálpsamur
  • Góður

Aðalsteinn Jóhannsson

  • Songwriting, bassplayer

Mínerva Haraldsdóttir

  • Music therapist

Ingvar Leví Gunnarsson

  • Electric guitar

Þráinn Pálsson

  • Business Law
  • entrepreneurship

Björn Jóhannsson

  • Skipuleggjandi
  • Sölustjóri

Agency BToB Classy

Emotional and Sensory Experiences Design
  • Set design


PASHN is an electronic/house duo formed by Ragnhildur Veigarsdóttir and Ása Bjartmarz
  • house
  • house music
  • women in music
  • dance

Ása Bjartmarz

  • Performer
  • Apple Certified Logic Pro User

Óttar Angantýsson

  • Sales Manager
  • Meditator

Réza Kalfane

  • Framing
  • Book binding
  • Publishing
  • Photography Book
  • GusGus Fan
  • Badminton
  • Woodworking

Randi Stebbins

  • Facilitating
  • Linguistics
  • General legal advice
  • writing,

Katrin Osp Jonsdottir

  • Ljóðskáld
  • textasmiður
  • Lyrics

Anees Masud

Anees Masud is a Professional Web Developer and Innovative Designer, Graduated from university of phoenix as Bachelor in Software Engineering, He is Currently Working with Webby Giants a US based Software Company, which is offering website development and designing services.Need help? call.
  • IOS apps
  • Android apps

Instant Assignment Help UAE

Instant Assignment Help UAE is one of the leading assignment help service providers in the Gulf countries, namely UAE, Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia.
  • Assignment

Willy Weber

  • compose poems

Lee Lynch

Lee Lorenzo Lynch (1980) is a filmmaker who holds a BFA in Film from California Institute of the Arts and an MFA in Fine Art from the University of Southern California. He splits his time between Reykjavik and Los Angeles with his filmmaker wife (Thorbjorg Jonsdottir) and son.
  • Professor

Asher Woolverton

  • optics
  • materials engineering
  • Aerospace
  • cocktails

Elín Arnarsdóttir

  • designing, making design and crafts

Baltasar Breki Samper

  • Freelance Filmmaker

Steindór Þórarinsson

  • Hönnun, skrif og ráðgjöf

Adam Hebrew

  • dissertation Writing
  • Essay Writing
  • Assignment Writing

Home Care Assistance Huntsville

Home Care Assistance of Hunstville, Alabama is the best provider of 24/7 live-in care, enabling elders to live happy and independent lives in the comfort of their home. In home care Huntsville AL can greatly benefit seniors who are diagnosed with certain age-related diseases and want to live comfort
  • Home Health Care Service

Adilah Bisar

  • expert writer
  • Blogger

Sövli Art

Ég mála myndir og bý til myndbönd
  • Myndlistamaður

Asad Kamal

  • Expert Fumigator

Inga Björk Ingadóttir

  • lyrist
  • Music therapist

Einar Askelsson

  • minfulness
  • Process Engineering
  • Quality Management

Stone Maddox

  • 3D design, web development, painting

Jack Magnet

  • synthsoloing

Kapil Singhal

  • Dentist in jaipur
  • Dental implant in jaipur
  • dental clinic in Jaipur

Thelma Jóhannesdóttir

  • Naglafræðingur
  • Nail Technician
  • funny
  • focused
  • Pattern Design
  • coloring
  • Concept Design
  • determined
  • patient
  • happy
  • proficient
  • outgoing
  • hard working

Anees masudi

  • IOS apps
  • Android apps

Eva Rún Jensdóttir

I founded Cooking Harmony in June 2017. My background is from hospitality as I basically grew up in that business and then later studied Hospitality Management in Chicago.
  • Hospitality Management,
  • Event Management
  • Developing Gluten and Lactose Free Recipies
  • Restaurant Management

Hraundís Guðmundsdóttir

  • Essential oils distiller
  • Forestryfarmer
  • Beekeeper
  • Aromatherapyst
  • Skógfræðingur

Lea Gressier

  • Mom
  • Meditation
  • Joy
  • Playfullness
  • Earth-protector
  • nature lover
  • Chef
  • Yoga Teacher
  • Plant based

Jhon Elliot

  • Real State

Dominique Sigrunardottir

  • Actring
  • creative consultant

Auður Sigurðardóttir

  • Hestameðferðaraðili
  • Hestanuddari

Danny Jones

Hi, I'm Danny Jones, a senior academic writer for Management Writing Solutions.
  • Custom writing
  • essay help
  • write essay
  • research paper
  • Professional Writer

Adam Jónasson

  • Choking on apples

Ólafur Engilbertsson

  • Menningarmiðlari

Alvia Rán

  • rapper

Home Care Assistance Of Scottsdale

Home Care Assistance of Scottsdale offers hourly and live-in home professional care giving services to seniors by assisting to carry out daily jobs like meal preparation, gardening, grocery shopping, transportation to medical appointments. Website:
  • senior care
  • Elder Care
  • Respite Care
  • Alzheimer Care

ewe wewe

  • Sound Design
  • drinking coffee

Ragnar Sverrisson

  • Vélvirki
  • Sjálfboðaliði
  • Harðfisksali

Elwin Carter

I like this life.
  • writing, editing, creating
  • text writing

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Forbes Middle East is an ideal read for investors looking for new investment opportunities in the Arab region.
  • Magazines
  • Advertising

Sigrun Vala Valgeirsdottir

  • Screenwriting
  • Producing

Best Reviews

  • writing skill

Rodolfo Reyes

Rodolfo Reyes Oropeza professional certified Mountain Guide - Founder of Peruvian Mountains - Peruvian Tour Operator provide the best trekking vacations in Peru in the cordillera huayhuash cordillera blanca cordillera raura and cusco Peru. We offering mountaineering alpinist expeditions in Peru.
  • Mountain Travel Peru
  • mountaineering
  • alpinist
  • Peruvian Mountains
  • trekking holidays
  • alpamayo climbing peru
  • Huayhuash Treks

Manuela Aumick

  • ghostwriting
  • Copywriting

Bernice Stockstill

  • Tutoring
  • Copywriting

Hjörtur Magnason

  • Veterinary
  • Calligraphy

MSquared Construction

M2 Construction is a family owned business with 40 years plus experience in building industry. We enjoy applying out experience to our clients work with high quality of building their homes and buildings. Contact us on 1800 677 827 or visit our website -

Max Willor

  • Professional Academic Writer

Stefán Jónsson

  • Botnmaður

oli stephensen

  • ding dong

mark smith

  • Essay Writing

Kasia Dygul

A citizen of the world who calls Iceland home. Polish by nationality, Kasia has always been drawn to explore and see where life will take her. She is a doer and always ready to jump on any exciting project and with The Space, she wants to create a new reality for herself and other like-minded people
  • multitasking
  • dreaming big
  • critical thinking
  • coordination
  • Finances
  • PR

Adam Woakes

  • Blogging , reading , writing

Samtökin Eiðavinir

  • school friends

Þorsteinn Gíslason

Bassaleikari Tonnataks / Bass player of Tonnatak
  • Bass playing
  • Video editing
  • Video producing
  • Text-writing

Jón Gunnar Kristjónsson

  • stemmings maður

Jóhann Baldvinsson

  • Þúsundþjalasmiður
  • Köttari

Claudia Jeanne Nascimento

Artista Plástica, Cultural and social producer, Advertising, Researcher on Urban Art, Graffiti and Art Educator. Currently, I also volunteer in art projects with children and adolescents at risk, in research and development of collective actions in the city, focusing on the production of interventio
  • Artista Plástica, Cultural and social producer, Advertising, Researcher on Urban Art, Graffiti and Art Educator. Currently, I also volunteer in art projects with children and adolescents at risk, in research and development of collective actions in the city, focusing on the production of interventio
  • Painting, Performance, Art Education and Graphite
  • Painter of Scenarios and Great Walls and Graffiti.

Linda Hartmanns

  • Söngkona
  • Lagahöfundur
  • songwriter

Sandra White

  • botanist

Pjetur St. Arason

Ljúfmenni sem gæddur er ýmsum hæfileikum. Söngvaskáld og lífskústner. Kennari við Verkmenntaskóla Austurlands.
  • guitarplaying

Hafsteinn Már Þórðarson

Coney Island Babies
  • Bassaspilari

Karen / Kaja

lifi fyrir lífrænt
  • Selja súkkulaði
  • Innflutningur á lífrænni matvöru

Personal Outback Tours

Personal Outback Tours mission is to provide a truly great experience in touring. We always get a message saying what an experience and want to do it again. NSW OUTBACK Tours will guarantee safari adventures, camping facilities via 3 specially crafted tour options between 8 and 10 days.
  • Tours

Gunnar Freyr

  • entrepreneurship

Overseas Dental Solutions

Overseas Dental Solutions is an ultimate medical tourism hub that provides affordable dental treatment to patients in Australia. We are based in Melbourne, Australia and have partnered with accredited hospitals in Thailand, Bangkok, Pattaya and Phuket for cost-effective dental treatments.
  • Dentist
  • dentistry
  • Dental Solution
  • dental care

einar eiríksson

  • Filmmaker
  • Sound Design

Kristinn Gauti Gunnarsson

  • Filmmaker
  • Magician

Blue Elephant Massage

Blue Elephant Massage is an ATMC–certified massage centre in Merrylands. We offer a wide range of massage services such as relaxing, Swedish, hot oil, deep tissue, Thai and hot stone massage services.
  • Spa & Massage
  • Beauty
  • Saloon

Cara Park

Hello, my name is Cara Park and I am a creative custom logo designer in Dubai working with Logo Experts. I specialize in custom business logo design, branding, web design and offer design services to businesses of all sizes around the world, along with assisting them in improving their creative solu
  • logo designing
  • Custom Logos
  • Branding Logos

Tómas Welding

  • Producing

Sóley Guðmundsdóttir

  • JIRA admin
  • Confluence admin
  • Precision
  • Office applications
  • wordpress
  • Event Management
  • Personal assistance
  • Executive assistance
  • Proofreading
  • Presentations
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Payroll
  • IT Service and Support
  • Negotio
  • Customer negotiations
  • Deescalating situations
  • Research and factchecking
  • Web content editor
  • Business correspondance
  • Google Analytics
  • Customer service
  • Phone etiquette
  • css
  • HTML
  • Optimistic



Björn Sigurbjörnsson

  • einkaþjálfari

Home Care Assistance of Knoxville

  • Home Health Care Seervices
  • Alzheimer' Care
  • Stroke Care

Atanas Hristov

  • Hydrosyst

Anna De Matos

  • Restoration
  • Conservation
  • Repair
  • craft
  • circular economy
  • sharing economy

Elfa Hlín Pétursdóttir

  • music
  • history
  • analysing

Geir Sigurpáll Hlöðversson

  • Syng og spila í hljómsveitinni Coney Island Babies frá Neskaupstað

Diana Sus

  • Production
  • Directing
  • Scripts
  • music
  • performing

Bjarni Ansnes

  • Life changer

Sveinn Sigfusson

  • Fixing cars
  • Dagforeldri

Matthías Davíð

  • leikmyndahönnuður

Hulda Guðjónsdóttir

  • Dagforeldri
  • amma

Vigdís Sigfúsdóttir

  • Viðskiptalögfræðingur
  • Excel snillingur

Sumarliði Helgason

  • gitar
  • bassi
  • vocal

christin Emeany

I am a graduated writer, with more than 8 years of experience in essay writing, assignment assistance,composing and others. I like to spend my time with online assignment help websites and I like it pretty much.
  • progromming

Anna Marsh

  • writing,

Starri Bernharðsson

  • sjúkur í fort

Tór Jógvan Isaksen

I am happy (sometimes) and very creative! If you have a job that pays very good, cold hard cash im interessed.
  • Coo of Havsalt
  • Singing (Opera)

Helgi Rafn Ingvarsson

  • composition
  • conducting
  • Choirs

Francois FROMENT

  • Business Development
  • Multi Cultural
  • Creativity
  • IoT fan
  • Ski
  • Jira user

Jenny Sigurgeirsdóttir

  • Design & layout
  • Human Functionality Agent

Rihan Abdoola

Enjoy the amazing Desert Safari Dubai Deals/ Packages with Dubai Safari Trips. Our Morning Safari Trips and Dubai Safari Tour commits to you absolute & most exclusive desert safari experience.
  • Safari Tours

Uzair Ansari

  • The Leading Viral Stories platform in Pakistan for young talent of Pakistan.

Stefan Stefansson

  • Creative energy

Jennifer Thomas

Assignments are better marks fetcher if they are well written. Hire our website's best, excellent essay help for your academics and score better marks.
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Leandro Lerik Lopes

  • Illustrator, Graphic Designer, Artist.

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  • boxing
  • Federation

oraib PK

We are a team of Malaysia Consultants Karachi
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Karólína Pétursdóttir

  • B.A. í fornleifafræði

Alexander Stevenson

Senior UI/UX Designer at LogoAvengers
  • Graohic Designer

Huzaifa Ayub

Hello This is Huzaifa, I am a Professional Custom Print Specialist and Manager in a very Reputable Custom Print Agency "Custom Freaks" which provides Custom merchendising & Custom printing services in karachi and all over pakistan generally.
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CP Desk

We file and store your charter parties in a safe, secure and structured database.
  • Charter Party

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Óli Ólafsson

  • Community Leader

Koreha Clinic

The Korean Medical Clinic offers an all-inclusive range of services that include physical medicine and rehabilitation programs. Two skilled Korean physiatrists carry out the therapeutic and diagnostic procedures for treating the musculoskeletal and neurologic procedures.
  • Physiotherapy

Mori James

  • Children
  • NGO
  • Vulnerable children
  • better future
  • providing new opportunities
  • unity
  • love
  • respect
  • tolerance
  • orphan
  • munaðarlaus
  • menntun
  • barnshafandi
  • unglingabólur
  • viðkvæm börn
  • vændi

DubaiSafari Tours

  • Tours and Travel

Shahraban Abdullah

VIP Rent a Car offers a sweeping range of car rental services in Dubai. You can choose from a host of services related to luxury car rental Dubai with driver from our agency.
  • Luxury Car Rental Dealer

Þór Elís Pálsson

  • Direktor/Producer
  • visual art

Elina josheph


Hlynur Stefánsson

  • rafeindavirki

Paolo Turchi

  • Lexicographer

Frumbjörg Frumbjörg

  • Startup support

Árni Sigurðsson

  • Excogitator

Jona Maria Norddahl

  • enterprenour

Freydís Kristófersdóttir

Born in 30 march 1985. Graduated from the Breiðholt College in department of Textile and Sewing in 2007. Studiet flower arrangements in Jordbrugets uddannelsescenter Aarhus in 2008. Finished a two year programme in Forming-Clay and Creative Composites in the Reykjavik School of Visual Arts in 2013.
  • Ceramics

Akilah Wasem

Yoga Classes at Body Tree Studio, Abu Dhabi. Conducts Meditation and Yoga classes in Abu Dhabi for all ages, group and Foreigners. We offer best yoga meditation, pilates, personal trainers, fitness, dance classes, weight loss, nutritionists and health or wellness services.
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  • Yoga classes
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  • dance classes
  • weight loss
  • nutritionists and health or wellness services

Hrönn Kristey Atladóttir

  • Skrifa ljóð
  • Hundaþjalfun

Triin Kukk

  • Art curation, design, graphic design, various handcrafts

Óttar Angantýsson

  • Sales
  • Meditation

Karólína Baldvinsdóttir

Kaktus member
  • installation artist
  • collaboration artist

Madison Smith

I am from Bringham, United Kingdom. I completed my Master's degree from Birmingham City University. I assist people with their health issues. I write blogs and articles on health-related topics.
  • Medical Assistant

Elsa Egilsdottir

Allt að gerast :)
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  • motion graphics

Sigríður Rut Marrow

  • Framleiðandi

Genco Demirer

  • Independent Production Designer

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Jon Olafur Magnusson

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  • landscape and nature photography
  • Motivational speaker

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2/226 Frankston – Dandenong Rd, Dandenong South VIC 3175 Your damaged, unwanted, scrap or simply useless vehicle could convert into a bundle of cash on the spot for you.
  • Your damaged, unwanted, scrap or simply useless vehicle could convert into a bundle of cash on the spot for you.

Kévin Pagès

  • Video Maker
  • nature lover

Anne-Sophie Galy-Gasparrou

  • Interior Designer
  • Video Maker
  • nature lover

PremierLending PremierLending

We provide personal loans in Atlanta, Georgia. Our property finance company in Atlanta. Apply for finance and commercial property.
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My SIP online

MySIPonline is an online mutual fund investment platform, which is registered with AMFI under ARN 106881, having tie-ups with various mutual fund houses offers various funds on a single platform. Switch to this customised way of investment just by login to
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Grímur Ívarsson

  • Looking good

Robert Kraciuk

  • Music producer
  • Project manager

Egill Logi Jónasson

  • Einar Bárðarson Akureyrar
  • Drengurinn fengurinn

Papers Lounge

  • Essay Writing Help

Ronald Lumunye

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  • Men Health, Women Health, Eye Care, Hair loss, Quit Smoking & Smart Drugs

Muzammil Hussain

  • LinkBuilding

Björn Snorri Rosdahl

  • Graphic design, handywork, excellence

Zenobia Willis

  • Reading, writing

Wesley Zebediah

  • Reading, writing

Zelma Werner

  • Reading, writing

Rúnar Clausen

  • Vocalist and Rythm guitar

Jaðarmiðlun ehf

  • liminal world

Jade Sardon

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Sun Shade UAE

SUN SHADE UAE is a manufacturer and supplier company situated in Dubai which deals with various projects of permanent tensile fabric structures. It extends professional solutions and various offers related to overhead structures which will cater to your infrastructural needs. http://www.sunshadeuae
  • Sun Shade Manufacturer & Suppliers

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  • Systemic Design
  • Environmental Design
  • Sustainable Development
  • Strategy
  • Business Development
  • Event Organisation
  • Project Planning
  • Product Design
  • Apparel Design
  • Expeditions & Adventure Photography
  • International Relations
  • Coordination & Planning
  • Sculpting (Ice, Snow, Wood)
  • Design Management
  • Technology Transfer
  • Photojournalism

Speedy Assignments

  • Research Academic Writing

English Essay

  • Essay Writing
  • English Essay

Louis Smith

  • playing

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Robert Geraci

Supreme event staffing are important to build strong relationships with members.
  • professional event planner

Mario Russo

  • Dr. Mario Russo

Kjartan Harðarson

  • inventor
  • Electrical Engineer

Axel Örn Torfason

  • Lead guitarist and backing vocals

Telma Snorradóttir

  • Fimleikar
  • Fimleikaþjálfun

Redbox Estate

Real Estate Company Agent
  • Redbox Estate
  • Real Estate
  • Business Plan development
  • infographics
  • Videographer
  • text writing
  • Content Marketing

Kata Rácz

Editor of Észak | az Észak szerkeszt?je
  • Translation
  • Languages

Ádám Vajna

Editor of Észak | az Észak szerkeszt?je
  • literature
  • editorial

Dávid Veress

Editor-in-chief of Észak | az Észak f?szerkeszt?je
  • Translation
  • literature

Tónlistarfélag Árbæjar

Tónlistarfélag Árbæjar hefur það að markmiði að efla ungt fólk í tónlist með því að veita því aðstöðu, bakland og stuðning til að skapa og æfa tónlist.
  • Collaboration
  • Mentoring

rosas paintinginc

  • Painting Service

Surge Holdings

  • biotech/fintech

Friends Associate

  • Real Estate

Vala Mörk

  • Presenting

Cybulski Philippe

  • Hajatlalin

Mohit Saini

Wedding photographer Delhi | MIB Films in Delhi is a professional wedding photographer who specializes in candid, cinematic photographers. Pre-wedding shows the life of couples who are waiting to be the one Candid photography is about capturing souls not smile.
  • Pre Wedding Photographer
  • Wedding photographer
  • candid wedding photographer

Bogáta Timár

Editor of Észak | az Észak szerkeszt?je
  • Linguistics
  • Translation
  • Finnish
  • Estonian

Mathias Spoerry

  • baking

Hafsteinn Gautur Einarsson

  • Business Development
  • Tourism

Henrik Björnsson

  • Rock´n´roll

Ida Semey

  • teaching
  • multitasking
  • Creative
  • multicultural thinking
  • emtrepeneurship

Félag Borgara / Fellowship of Citizens

félagasamtök / interest group
  • basic income
  • borgaralaun
  • Saemundur Thor Helgason
  • Agata Mickiewicz
  • Gabríel Markan
  • Sophie Hoyle

Sigríður Sigurðardóttir

Ég heiti Sigríður og er þriggja barna sjálfstæð móðir. Ég er dóttir Sigurðar Hansen og Maríu Guðmundsdóttur. Ég vinn sem sérkennari á leikskóla og hef sérhæft mig í vinnu með börnum með röskun á einhverfurófi. Ég hef fylgst með þessu verkefni frá upphafi og hef óbilandi trú á því sem koma skal!
  • BSc in psychology
  • applied behavior analysis
  • Autism
  • Planing
  • teacch

Jerry Wayne

  • Technical Support Engineer
  • Computer Support
  • Online Troubleshooting
  • Software support & Programming

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Catherine West

  • Technical Writer

Ejari Dubai

Register your tenancy contract with Ejari Dubai. We are best in class solutions providing clients with fully online support, Ejari registration, renewal, fees with our Ejari Office typing center Dubai.
  • Ejari
  • Ejari Online
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  • Ejari Dubai Office

Björgvin Gunnarsson

  • Höfundur
  • Húmoristi
  • Ljóðskáld
  • Sjarmör

Eva Michelsen

Ég er mikill frumkvöðull og uni mér best í að byggja upp verkefni með ólíkum einstaklingum og koma þeim á koppinn. Hugmyndin að Eldstæðinu er sprottin út frá eigin þörf með lítinn köku og konfektgerðarrekstur. Það getur verið kostnaðarsamt að koma sér upp eigin framleiðslurými þegar um litla fram
  • co-working space
  • incubator
  • Accounting

Markaðsstofa Ólafsfjarðar

  • community
  • empowerment
  • Tourism
  • information

Yakarnir Iceland

Hugmyndin er að bjóða upp á kayakferðir og sjóstangveiði (optional), á austurlandi, með leiðsögn. Bátarnir sem við ætlum að bjóða upp á eru mjög stöðugir "sit on top" kayakar með pedaldrive búnaði og er það öruggasta tegund af kayak sem til er. Einnig verða ferðir í boði sem bjóða upp á að elda afla
  • Kayak
  • Outdoor sport
  • Veiði

Jonatan Habib Engqvist

  • Curating
  • saddle maker

Guðný Guðmundsdóttir

  • listræn stjórnun

Hafþór Már Hjartarson

Freelance Graphic & Multi media Designer @ GÍK
  • Illustrator
  • After Effects
  • Maya
  • printing
  • 3D
  • Multimedia Designer
  • Premiere Pro
  • Graphic Media Designer

Sigga Dögg

  • kynfræðingur
  • uppistand
  • Fyrirlesari
  • kona

Hermann Sigurðsson

  • Verkefnastjóri
  • Eiginmaður

Assignment Mojo

Now you can write your assignments in UK with 40% Discounted rates..
  • Academic Writers UK
  • Assignment Writers

Hulda Svansdottir

  • writing poems

Dagný Erla Vilbergsdóttir

Ég heiti Dagný Erla og er gift fimm barna móðir og á að auki tvö eldri fósturbörn. Ég er doulunemi, leiðbeinandi í meðgöngujóga, fæðingarundirbúningi og ungbarnanuddi hjá Mín hugsjón felst í að auka líkur verðandi foreldra á góðri fæðingarupplifun og hlúa að upphafi nýs lífs.
  • Móðir
  • Námsráðgjafi
  • Hómópati
  • Leiðbeinandi í meðgöngujóga og fæðingarundirbúningi
  • Leiðbeinandi í ungbarnanuddi
  • Doulunemi

Engill Einisson

  • Ljóðskáld
  • skáld

kenji kenjo

  • sales marketing paling ganteng super kreen cool abiz pokonamah

Sigurboði Grétarsson

  • Sápukúlutemjari

Valberg Már Öfjörð

  • Brewing
  • Beer Culture
  • IT professional
  • Licensed Practical Nurse
  • Planning Festivals
  • wordpress

Bjarni K. Thors

Ég er grafískur hönnuður, ég hef nýtt mér mína þekkingu og þrjósku í að hanna íþróttafatnað sem ég sel undir merkinu Brandson. Ég hef myndað góð tengsl við mína framleiðendur og á mjög gott samstarf með þeim. Ég hef byggt þetta vörumerki upp úr engu og gerði nánst allt sjálfur til að byrja með.
  • fashion design
  • never never never give up

Helga Kolbrún Magnúsdóttir

  • Computer Scientist
  • Archer
  • Throwing axes

Home Care Assistance Arvada

  • Home Health Care Service

Home Care Assistance of Orlando

Home Care Assistance of Orlando pride itself in helping seniors who are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, dementia, stroke, and Parkinson’s live a happy life. We offer part-time and round-the-clock caregivers to assist families in their care-giving duties.
  • Home health care
  • Caring seniors in any situation

Christian Dupont Christian DuPont is a major consultant and innovative project manager bringing precise experience from various multinational companies and corporations. He utilizes advance and innovative research technologies and constructs to improve the overall construct.
  • Finance, Invester and Street Search Advisor

IT Essentials IT Essentials has a team of professional hardware and software experts who are adept at designing and implementing the most extensive and valuable software systems.Make your business information secure and safe by allowing IT Essentials to install its enhanced security systems.
  • IT Consultants
  • IT Security
  • Solution Services
  • Cyber Security
  • Cloud Computing
  • Security Solution
  • Data Center

PLUR Iceland

  • Dj
  • Producers
  • Musicians

Guðmundur Guðmundsson

  • Electrician
  • 360° camera enthusiast
  • Martial Artist
  • 360 degree photographer

Sara Júlíudóttir

  • yoga
  • Inspiring
  • motivation

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Guitar Philia is one the leading guitar seller in US. We have guitar strings, acoustic bass guitar and we even have guitar shirts for sale. To avail discounted offer visit our website now and get the guitar you need to play your music with.
  • guitarphilia

Anthony Montalto

  • quality assurance

Innovest glo

  • Innovest Global, Inc. Stock Symbol IVST is a Public diversified Holding company that is already a ten-bagger (Up 1000% in the market) this year with much more on the way based on fundamentals AND technical from our research. Here's what we found: Innovest Global, Inc. (OTC Markets: IVST) is fundame

92101 Urban Living

  • Had a years of experience as a real estate agent and broker in multiple states of us.
  • Real State

Hubert Turlej

  • Sports challenges
  • Voluntary

Home Care Assistance of Hot Springs

Hot Springs Home Care Assistance is trusted provider of at-home senior care. We are a leading provider of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's respite and live-in care.
  • home care services
  • senior care service

Virtual Office Dubai

Virtual Offices Dubai is a leading provider of virtual office for rent in Dubai and setup solutions. Choose us for cost-saving virtual office space that include an array of best business features.
  • Virtual Office Dubai

Fjölnir Már Baldursson

Ég er sjálflærður kvikmyndagerðamaður, hef gert heimildarmyndir og stuttmyndir og síðast var það stuttmyndin Rán sem hefur fengið verðlaun á hátíðum út um allan heim. Hefur verið sýnd í yfir 40 löndum.
  • Filmmaker
  • Cheff

Hilmir Kolbeins

  • Propmaker extraodinare

Emma huffman

Hi, I am Emma the marketing Executive, I am responsible for Digital marketing and online gifting marketing campaigns and strategies.

Bahria Town Pakistan

  • Estate Agency
  • Real Estate
  • IT Operations
  • International marketing

Home Care Assistance of Conway, AR

  • Senior health Care at Home

Tröels Sigurðsson

Hej, Jeg hedder Tröels, blanda af Íslending og Dana ásamt öðru, heimsborgari, ljósmyndari og listhöfundur með fleiru.
  • Video
  • Producing

Darren Anderson

  • Mobile apps development, website development

Guðmundur Höskuldsson

  • Spilar stundum á gítar.

Robert Austin

  • Academic consultant

Ásta Ástþórsdóttir

  • viðskiptafræðingur MSc
  • Verkefnastjóri ferðamála
  • Travel Enthusiast

Gwadar Golf City

commercial and residential plots in Gwadar golf city.
  • Real Estate
  • Gwadar Golf City
  • pakistan real estate

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  • bridge and poker play

Hrafnkell McKinstry

  • planner
  • Student

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  • les privat jakarta

Liga Anzeva

Rock/ Blues / Rockabilly/ Jazz Guitarist & Bass player
  • Bass player

Matiss Kuskis

Music & Film producer (c) Studya / RecMore Media
  • Producing
  • Shooting

Edgars Laksa

Video Media Designer
  • visual projections
  • visual media
  • multi media design
  • videography
  • video operating

Laura Lace

Bass player / Guitarist. With love to hard rock and groove
  • Bass player

Eriks Aispurs

Sound engineer / Music producer . (c) RecMore Media
  • Recording
  • music producing
  • Producing
  • Sound editing
  • Sound Engineering

Reinis Inkens

Photographer / Film Producer / Co-Owner of "Dicethrow FIlms" / Owner of Reins Inkens Photography
  • video engineering
  • film producing
  • Film Editing
  • Video editing
  • video operating
  • Scenography
  • screen writing

Agnese Blaubarde

(c) Agnese Blaubarde Design Photography - Interior design, Stage design
  • interior photography
  • fashion design
  • scandinavian design

Varna Marianne Nielsen

  • traditional drumdancer
  • Contemporary musician
  • body, family and couples therapist

My Immigration Help

My Immigration Help is one of the best registered immigration consultancy service in Delhi for Australia, Canada and New Zealand.
  • Immigration services
  • Business Services

Anton Antonsson

  • literature
  • Prose
  • philosophy
  • Short-story writer

erin rookes

I am new in Karolinafund my name is Erin live in United State I have 3-year experience in Digital marketing work with website development company Mujadidia.
  • iOS app developer

Brady Arthur

  • Men Health
  • Allergy Medications
  • Online Pharmacy
  • Pain Relief Drugs
  • OTC

Þorsteinn Eggertsson

  • Illustrator
  • Lyricist,
  • Play director
  • Reporter

Aðalsteinn Þórsson

  • viðhald girðinga
  • teiknari
  • myndlist
  • listmálun
  • bras með höndum

Garðar Örn Arnarson

  • Framleiðandi

Eva Hauksdottir

Eva er móðir Hauks Hilmarssonar og hefur stutt pólitískar aðgerðir hans frá upphafi og tekið þátt í sumum þeirra.
  • Naglasúpugerð
  • Rúnalestur
  • Pistlaskrif

Natan Ferrua

  • Markaðsstjóri

Olga Biskopstø

  • Researcher Social Sience
  • Woll spinner

Viktor Már Sigurðsson

  • amateur photographer

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Yara Polana

  • Senior Designer
  • Senior Developer
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Fanney Viktoría Kristjánsdóttir

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Immigration Help

My Immigration Help is one of the best registered immigration consultancy service in Adelaide for Australia, Canada and New Zealand.
  • Immigration services

Rebekka Rós Þorsteinsdóttir

  • Stofnandi Kyrrðarjóga
  • Svæfingahjúkrunarfræðingur
  • Hugleiðslukennari
  • Jákvæð að eðlisfari

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Irma Sjöfn Óskarsdóttir

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Kristinn Helgason

  • Audio Engineer
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Rafal Orpel

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Arthur Reeder

  • content writing, Career consultant, motivation speaker

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Nishish Sandy

Simple qigong (chi kung) exercises can have a surprising beneficial impact on your health and well-being. Many controlled scientific studies have confirmed this, and the growing number of people practicing qigong exercises in parks and public spaces around the world attests to their effectiveness.

Alda Villiljós

  • baking
  • vegan baking
  • activism

Sigríður Helga Hauksdóttir

  • Hönnuður / Designer
  • Listamaður / Artist

Maria Ericsdóttir Panduro

  • Managing Director

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Glenn Moyle

  • water polo coach

Sugar Balance

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Jamil Shaqura

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The clamps, jaw braces and other things that are supposed to keep your airway open at night, as well as jaw surgeries, can be a waste of money. They often just don't work.

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Curcumin exhibits some of the most important antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It contributes to whole body health, specifically by fighting free radicals in your system and combating inflammation. Hundreds of studies are being conducted on the benefits of this powerful seasoning.

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Nishish Sandy

Nuts: They contain some very valuable fats and that makes them much better than fast food. Nuts make the level of good cholesterol go up and the level of bad cholesterol go down no to mention that in nuts there is also a lot of vitamin E which can help fighting against cancer and heart diseases.

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Unfortunately, this did not motivate me to lose weight. I was a single mother, not happy with the way I felt and looked in the mirror. I had developed a double chin. My clothes did not seem to fit right. I barely can move around. I did not recognize the young Hispanic woman anymore.

Þorbjörg Jónsdóttir

Thorbjorg Jonsdottir is an experimental filmmaker and visual artist from Iceland who holds a MFA in filmmaking from CalArts. Her films and video installations navigate between ethnography and abstract formalism, exploring preternatural states where oral-mythology and landscape collide.
  • visual art

Nishish Sandy

New Immigrants and Visitors New immigrants and visitors to our country face a tough time coping with disasters and emergencies because of their lack of communication and social interaction. It's essential for new immigrants to learn English, not only to become a citizen quickly but to communicate

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Kakalaskáli ehf.

Fyrirtæki í menningarferðaþjónustu / Cultural Tourism Buisness
  • Exhibition
  • Artwork

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A sweet and dense powder, that can be added as an ingredient to many recipes. Some of my personal favorites are shakes, smoothies, brownies, and cakes. Cacao powder is made by compressing organic raw cacao beans to make a brown paste. The top layer of fat is removed from the paste.

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The Best Way to Lose Belly Fat: A Change for the Better The best way to lose belly fat is to start by making small changes to your lifestyle. In the beginning, you might try drinking more water, increasing your fresh vegetable intake and exercising three days a week.

Esther Ágústsdóttir

Verkefnisstjóri hjá Kakalaskála ehf. / Project manager at Kakalaskáli
  • literature
  • financial planing
  • Leadership
  • multilingual

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If a person is found to be pre-hypertensive, or hypertensive, then a doctor will normally identify a treatment plan. This may involve a number of lifestyle changes and dietary changes, and dependent upon the severity of the condition, there may be the need for medication to lower blood pressure .

Sigurður Hansen

Eigandi Kakalaskála ehf. og sérfræðingur í Sturlungu. Fékk heiðursmerki hinnar íslensku fálkaorðu árið 2015 fyrir miðlun á arfleifð Sturlungaaldar / Owner of Kakalaskáli and specialist in Sturlunga saga
  • Farmer
  • buisness owner
  • Arts
  • Enterpreneur

Guðmundur Sigurðarson

  • Archaeology
  • Museum work

Viktor Már Sigurðsson

  • amateur photographer
  • Filmmaker

Gary Schmidt

Experienced growth marketing manager with background in sales. At Tenquist Digital, boosted open rate for online campaigns by 22%. Slashed churn by 36% through enhanced feedback programs.
  • Marketing Manager
  • Kayaking

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  • reprieve home consideration.

Berglind Þorsteinsdóttir

  • Museum work
  • Archaeology
  • Cultural Studies

Karin Esther Gorter

  • Glass Artist

Ingi Vífill

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  • leturhönnun
  • bókahönnun

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You may have heard people that following a healthy meal plan is believed to be one amongst the viable steps that will help keep your blood glucose level under control. But this isn't the end of the road, there are lots more other than following a healthy diet when it comes to controlling blood sugar

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Vélaverkfræðingur / Mechanical Engineer
  • Engineering

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  • Allows
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  • Opiated

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Take action against a sea of fat!The first step in achieving fat loss is to get active. Get off the sofa and have a positive mental attitude. Without this, you will have a problem. Remember, this is very short term pain, for fantastic long term gain. It is not difficult to lose weight reasonably .

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Losing weight can be a depressing task. It can lead to frustrations, headaches, and sometimes even suicidal. God forbid you ever thought about that.You don't need to

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Have you ever been on a date with someone, and your first kiss with them was aggressive, or just plain stiff? If you have, then this, of course, is a big no-no, right?

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Their "mission" is to lay the groundwork for causing harm to your body in the form of a heart attack or stroke, or even both at the same time.

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Wholly Models is providing best Service in all over Bangalore. Our Agency has some packages with us. You can select any of the packages to avail some erotic services. All these packages are at affordable rates.

Aliya Sinha

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However, you don't need to work like a laborer or spending 10-12 hours doing paper work in the office if you want to achieve financial success. Look at the people who work the hardest in any country - the road sweepers, the cleaners, the odd job laborer.

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  • At Horizon Plumbing and Piping Systems our professionals aim to out perform the competition. If you are looking to get it done once and get it done right, we are your choice.

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Currently, the American Podiatric Medical Association feels that more research is necessary to determine both the short term and long term effects of barefoot running (APMA Position Statement on Barefoot Running). So for now happy running, whether you run with or without shoes, but tread carefully!

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